Stuffed Artichokes Recipe

stuffed artichoke

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I hadn’t made artichokes in the longest time when I saw them in the grocery store last week. And they were gorgeous! I bought two and decided to make up a stuffed artichokes recipe for dinner one night. They turned out just as I wanted them to be. We both enjoyed the meal.


stuffed artichokes

Stuffed Artichokes Recipe

Makes 2

  • 2 large artichokes
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 3 cups diced stale bread
  • 4 slices bacon
  • 1/2  cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 large eggs
  • salt to taste
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a quarter of a lemon to the water.
  • While the water is heating trim the artichokes; cut the stem off to the base of the choke and trim the top.

cook artichokes

  • After the water comes to a boil, reduce to a simmer and add the artichokes. Cook for about 10 minutes and immediately remove to a bowl with ice water to cool.
  • Preheat oven to 375

cook bacon

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  • Cook the bacon: cut into small pieces and add to a small fry pan. Fry until crisp.

chopped cooked bacon

  • Drain and set aside to cool.

make stuffing

  • While the artichoke is cooling, make the stuffing: To a large bowl add the bread cubes, the cheese, eggs and the chopped bacon. Mix well. If it seems too dry add another egg.

make sure all of the white leaves are gone

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  • Pull out the center being sure to get all of the choke. (I have found a teaspoon to be the best way to get all of the choke out after pulling the leaves.) Rinse.
  • Fill the center of the two artichokes evenly with the stuffing.

  • Place the stuffed artichokes in a baking dish (I used a stoneware pie plate) and add about 1/4″ of hot water. Cover the artichokes loosely with a piece of foil.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  • Poke with a knife to make sure the bottoms of the artichokes are tender and cooked through. If they are they are ready to serve. If not cook for another 5 minutes.

minced garlic in olive oil

  • Serve with minced garlic in oil for dipping.

How Was the Stuffed Artichokes Recipe?

We both really enjoyed this meal. As I noted above we hadn’t had artichokes in quite some time so they were a real treat. The stuffing was tasty with the bacon adding a wonderful smoky flavor. It was filling without being too much.

stuffed artichoke in yellow bowl

I served a simple spinach salad with a balsamic vinaigrette with the stuffed artichoke and it did make for a delightful dinner. The stuffing was tasty and the bits on the end of the leaves were very tasty dipped in the garlic oil. 

It was worth the preparation and cooking time for this meal. Not that I’d make this very often – but it was a fun and tasty meal for a treat. 

It would be very easy to make this a vegetarian meal by eliminating the bacon and upping the Parmesan cheese in the recipe.


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