Comfort Food Dinner – Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon

Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon

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Sometimes a person just wants good old fashioned comfort food dinner, you know? For me that tends towards anything with potatoes or noodles. Bacon is always a plus for it’s smoky flavor and really, who doesn’t love bacon? When the weather starts to turn cool around here I look to what is coming in from the garden and at the end of the season that is the cabbage and the potatoes. There is a classic Irish recipe called Colcannon but for this meal I went with pasta instead of potatoes as the hubby doesn’t like potatoes as much as I do.

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD

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Comfort Food Dinner – Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon

Serves 4 – 6

1 small head of cabbage
1 small onion
8 oz bacon
8 oz pasta or make your own fettuccine
1 TBS olive oil
1/2 cup water
1 TBS salt

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD

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Slice the onion into thin rings.
Add the olive oil to a large saute pan over medium high heat. Add the onion and about 1/2 tsp salt.
Lower the heat and cook the onion, stirring occasionally, until it is soft, golden brown and well caramelized. This will take about half an hour.

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD
While the onion is caramelizing cook the bacon. Set aside

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD
Core the cabbage and slice it into bite sized pieces.
When the onions are done remove them from the pan and add the cabbage, 1/2 TBS salt and the water. Cover and let cook until the cabbage is soft about 20 minutes.

While the cabbage is cooking, prepare the pasta according to the package directions. Drain and set aside.

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD
Add the onions and pasta to the cabbage and mix well.
Cut the bacon into bite sized pieces and add 3/4s of it to the cabbage mixture.
Stir well. Turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle the remaining bacon over each serving.

Try the World Box Italy, Pasta with Cabbage, Onions and Bacon, #AD

How Was the Comfort Food Recipe?

This is peasant food of the highest order and it’s one of my favorite meals. I look forward to it every year when the cabbage comes in. It’s true comfort food; soft cabbage, al dente pasta, crunchy bacon and those sweet, caramelized onions. I love good pasta whether I have made it or from a quality provider like Pozza’s Pasta – which I used when I made Pasta with Creamy Broccoli Sauce.




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