Use the KitchenAid Pasta Roller and Cutter to Make Fettuccine

homemade fettuccine

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I am a very spoiled cook in that my husband never knows what to buy me so in sheer panic at trying to figure out what size I am he shops for kitchen things like the KitchenAid pasta roller and cutter which allows me to make homemade pasta. He’s pretty safe here because I do absolutely love to cook and bake but once in a blue moon….

But I digress. In the course of our 40 year marriage he has given me many a kitchen item but some of my favorites have been the attachments for my mixers.  The (affiliate link) Pasta Roller and Cutter is probably the one I use most often as we both love homemade pasta.

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homemade fettuccine

Homemade Pasta –  Fettuccine

  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 TBS water
  • 3 1/2 cups sifted all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Place eggs, water, flour and salt in the mixer bowl.
  • Attach bowl and flat beater and mix for 30 seconds
  • Remove flat beater and attach dough hook and turn to speed two and knead 2 minutes (I found it took a little longer than this for the dough to really come together in a ball so watch it and wait for it to form a dough ball. Mine took about 4 minutes)
  • Remove the dough from the bowl and hand knead for about 2 minutes to form a smooth ball.

cut dough ball into 8 pieces

  • Slightly flatten the ball and cut it into 8 pieces
  • With each piece flatten it and run it through the roller several times to finish the kneading process then set the roller to 1 to roll the sheets for cutting.
  • Gently fold each sheet and set it aside under a dish towel until they are all all ready to cut
  • Attach the fettucine cutter to the mixer and unfold the pasta sheets to run through to make your fettuccine

homemade fettuccine

  • let rest on a countertop or cookie sheet until ready to use.

To Cook:

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  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

  • Add the pasta and cook until the water comes back to a boil.
  • Taste test a piece and if tender stop cooking. Otherwise cook for one to two minutes longer and test again. Then pour out into a colander and serve with preferred sauce.

Simple Homemade Pasta Dinner

I chose on this night to make a simple homemade pasta dinner for the hubby and myself. On another night I got fancy and made fettuccine carbonara which we both thoroughly enjoyed. I recently updated that recipe – it was created out of a bit of leftover ham. Mmmm, ham. I love ham.

fettuccine with red sauce

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On this night I just served my homemade fettuccine with basic red sauce much like the pizza sauce I used to can.. Nothing fancy but still oh, so delicious. The pasta carried the sauce beautifully and a little grating of Romano cheese was all it needed. I served a simple spinach salad on the side and we were both satisfied.

For dessert I had the spiced streusel coffee cake I had made earlier in the day. That recipe will be up next week. 

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