Venison with Rich Blackberry Sauce on Jasmine Rice

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I’m back from vacation so it’s time to jump back into the Food Blogger’s Challenge! This week’s food is blackberries – OY! There were no fresh blackberries to be found in my little neck of the woods so I went with some of my blackberry jam. I hope that is OK. It was once fresh blackberries…..

I didn’t want to go the dessert route so I opted for using a venison round steak. So I give you:

Venison with Rich Blackberry Sauce on Jasmine Rice

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1/2 cup blackberry jam, preferably fruit spread
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup red wine
3 TBS tamari
3 shakes hot sauce or more to taste
1 tsp butter, optional
1/4 tsp of salt

4 3 – 4 oz venison steaks

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1 cup jasmine rice

Prepare jasmine rice per usual manner. Set aside.
I also roasted some broccoli to accompany this meal so I put that in the oven at 350°.

In a small sauce pan add the blackberry jam, balsamic vinegar, red wine, tamari, and salt.

Add the hot sauce. I used about three shakes of the bottle and it gave the sauce a nice heat in the background. If you want it hotter by all means go for it.

Let the sauce simmer over med-low heat for about 10 minutes until it thickens.

Remove from heat and add the butter if desired to give the sauce a rich sheen.

While the sauce is simmering heat a grill pan or grill. Salt your venison steaks and grill them how you prefer them cooked. We like our steak rare so I cooked the steaks about 2 1/2 minutes on each side. Let the steaks rest under foil or other cover for about 5 minutes.

Serve on jasmine rice with the broccoli on the side.

The sauce was really good; rich and not at all sweet. As I said, the heat was just right (for me) and in the background and we both ate every bite. It went so well with the venison because the meat handled the sauce perfectly. It also was very good on the rice. We’re having it again tonight.

Be sure to check out what all the other Food Bloggers did with (most likely fresh) blackberries!

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