Scones Recipe: Cherry Scones with Lemon Glaze

cherry scones with lemon glaze, scones recipe

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I had a friend call and ask me about making scones. She was having a virtual tea party and wanted to have some to eat since she couldn’t go to her favorite bakery.  Baking is not something she does very often and I told her I’d make a video to show her how to make them. I looked around to see what I had on hand and then looked through my cookbooks to find a scones recipe for I had never made them before! I ended up making Cherry Scones with Lemon Glaze. The recipe I found called for dried cherries; I didn’t have them on hand and even if I did I wouldn’t have used them as the hubby is still on his restricted diet from his surgery and can’t have dried fruits. I was glad to be able to adapt the recipe for his needs like I did with the tofu picatta I made him for dinner.

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scones recipe

Cherry Scones with Lemon Glaze

Makes 8

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 TBS unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 TBS baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 egg lightly beaten
  • 3/4  cup cherries, pitted and cut into quarters

For the Glaze

  • 2 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • Preheat oven to 400
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  • Mix the flour and sugar in a large bowl
  • Cut the butter into the flour/sugar mixture until it resembles large crumbs
  • Add the baking powder, baking soda, salt and cardamom and stir to combine
  • Add the cherries and stir to coat
  • Stir in the sour cream and beaten egg just until mixed
  • Put the dough on a lightly floured counter and gently knead for about a minute until it just comes together. The dough will be lumpy and will barely hold together. Shape it into an 8 – 10″ round
  •  Cut the dough in half, then quarters and finally eighths
  • Carefully remove the cut pieces to the prepared baking sheet
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 15 – 20 minutes until lightly browned. Remove to a wire rack to cool
  • While the scones are baking make the glaze: mix the lemon juice and powdered sugar together until all lumps dissolve
  • After the scones cool, drizzle with the glaze

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How Was the Scones Recipe?

I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of scones which is probably why I have not made them before. To me they are really just a slightly sweet baking powder biscuit and I’d rather have the biscuit. That being written I did enjoy these; the cherry added a lovely flavor and the glaze a touch of sweet/tart to pair with the fruit. I love how cardamom pairs with cherries – I always add some to my cherry pie filling.

We both enjoyed having these as our breakfast for a few mornings. It was also nice for the hubby to have another post GERD surgery treat added to his diet. They were not difficult to make and I would most certainly make them again. I adapted this scones recipe from my favorite bread baking cookbooks – The Secrets of a Jewish Baker.


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