Banana Split Pops: The Perfect Summer Treat

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I can imagine that you are starting to understand my love for bananas, and today I wanted to share a super fun recipe with you, the banana split pops. I do hope that you saw my posting on how to make banana split pudding and the banana split cupcakes. All of these so so yummy! ? 

Bananas have to be my favorite in the summer, heck I LOVE them all year round and using them in different recipes is my thing! Not to mention coming up with surprising new ways to eat them. This recipe is so simple that anyone can do it, and it is so much fun for the kids to make as well. 


First off, you will want to take your bananas and split them in half. Next, insert a popsicle stick into the bottom of the cut end. 

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Next, melt your favorite chocolate and dip the bananas into the chocolate to coat them. Lastly, you gotta add the sprinkles.! 

Lastly, you will put the banana split pops in the freezer. I find about an hour will set them up, and they will be a fantastic treat to cool off with the kiddos this summer. You can also add on the side a bit of whipped cream for dipping.

How simple is that? Super simple I know but these make the perfect little treat for your family or even entertaining this summer. Make sure to check out my other banana recipes below. Happy cooking :)

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