Muffin Recipe – Cherry, Chocolate and Pistachio

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Last year we made the decision to plant fruit trees including two cherry trees. While they won’t give us as much fruit as we usually put up each year we hope to get enough to make a cherry pie. For the rest of our winter fruit needs we will hopefully get them from our usual source – assuming all goes the same given how crazy this year has been. If not, there will just not been any frozen cherries this year. I do still have quite a few leftover from last year because when it came time to freeze fruit for the winter 70 lbs of cherries were put away. Some were used recently in a muffins recipe.

I took a basic recipe I use quite often; it’s a great base to make any combination of additions. I can’t even remember where the original recipe came from as I just have it memorized as I use it so often. I never quite make it the same way as I just toss in whatever I have on hand. This time it was cherries, pistachios and chocolate chips – a delicious combination if I do say so myself.

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cherry pistachio muffins, muffins recipe

Cherry, Chocolate and Pistachio Muffins

Makes 15

1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups cherries pitted and cut into quarters
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1 cup pistachios, divided
1/2 cup chocolate chips
sugar in the raw for sprinkling, optional

Preheat the oven to 350°

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Prepare a muffin tin with paper muffin cups sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.

muffins recipe, how to make cherry pistachio muffins

1. mix together the liquid ingredients; the olive oil, eggs, milk and vanilla. Stir well with a fork to combine.
2. in a separate. larger bowl mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. Add the chocolate chips and the cherries.
3. Make sure the cherries are coated with flour. This will keep them from sinking to the bottom of the muffins.
4. Mix in half of the pistachio nuts. Reserve the other half for the topping.
5.  Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients.
6. Gently mix until just combined. You don’t want to over mix the batter. It will be thick.

muffins recipe in cupcake tin

Using a large scoop or spoon add the batter to the prepared muffin tin. Take the reserved pistachio nuts and roughly chop them. Sprinkle the nuts on top off the batter. Add the sugar in the raw if you are using it.

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Bake in the preheated oven for 22 – 25 minutes or until the muffins are golden brown. Remove from the muffin tin. Cool on a wire rack.

delicious muffins recipe

How Was the Muffin Recipe?

The combination of cherry and pistachio is rather classic and the chocolate, well chocolate goes with everything, doesn’t it? This is a delicious muffin and it fills you up. The cherries and nuts help to make this less of a dessert muffin and more of a meal type of muffin – that’s not to say it doesn’t taste like a treat.

cherry pistachio chip muffins

I enjoy a muffin for breakfast or for snack which is why I always like to have some on hand. The hubby is a big fan of my Espresso Muffins. Whenever he goes on a trip he asks me to make him some for the road. I like muffins with fruit in them like Honey Roasted Strawberry Muffins.

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