Muffin Recipe – Espresso Muffins

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The hubby needed me to bake for him so of course I was more than happy to do so – we all know by now that I love to bake! On this particular occasion he needed muffins so I made two different kinds. It’s funny, back when my aneurysm was first discovered there was about a two month delay ’til the surgery to clip it. The doctors all told me to stay calm and relaxed. They didn’t want me doing anything that would stress me and cause my blood pressure to rise and put any additional stress on the arteries in my brain impacted by the aneurysm. They tried medicating me but I didn’t like the way I felt on the anti-anxiety pills so I promised them I would take it easy. I then turned to what relaxes me the most – baking.

I baked muffins.

Lots and lots and lots of muffins. I followed recipes, I adapted recipes, I created recipes. One of my original recipes was published in a magazine. Everyday was a new muffin baking adventure. I had one recipe for espresso muffins that the hubby adored so I made sure to always have some around for him. He loved on particular recipe best – for espresso muffins but he’s had to give up caffeine so I haven’t made them in a while. He was going to be driving halfway across the state so he specifically requested them for the ride so I was more than happy to dust off my muffin making equipment and make him his favorite muffin.

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I start from a recipe in Muffins from A to Z (which appears to be only available used) and I play around with it a little. The basic recipe is solid and makes a moist, delicious muffin.

Espresso Muffins

Espresso Muffins

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Makes about 12 – 15 medium muffins

2 cups white whole wheat flour
1/3 cup espresso powder*
1 TBS baking powder
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 cup milk
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup + semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup+ sugar in the raw

I made a double batch so when you look at the pictures keep that in mind.

Preheat oven to 400°
Grease 12 – 15 muffin cups or line them with paper liners and spray with cooking spray.

mix dry ingredients for espresso muffins
In a large bowl mix together the flour, espresso powder, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
In a medium bowl mix together the milk, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla and melted butter.

add wet to dry for espresso muffins
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and gently fold together just until mixed.
Using a large scoop or spoon portion into prepared muffin tin.
Sprinkle top with chips then sugar in the raw.
Bake in preheated oven for 18 – 20 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
Let sit in the muffin pan for 10 minutes then remove to cool completely on a wire rack.

espresso muffin

How Were They?

I don’t eat these because I don’t like coffee flavored anything – unless it’s a cup of black coffee. But when I ask the hubby how they taste he tells me the chocolate and the cinnamon play very nicely with the espresso powder to make a muffin that will start your morning off right.

Other Muffin Recipes:

Huckleberry Muffins

Honey Roasted Strawberry Muffins

Cherry, Chocolate and Pistachio Muffins


*All Amazon purchase links are affiliate links which means if you buy anything through them I will receive a small commission that helps to keep the Farm cats in toys and treats.



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