Easy Broccoli Stir Fry Recipe – Celebrate Farm to Table Cooking! Recipe Adapted From Mary Berry Everyday Cookbook – Read my Review

easy broccoli stir fry recipe, farm to table cooking

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I am sure that by now you recognize how much I love cookbooks. To me they are more than a place to go to find a recipe ’cause truth be told I rarely follow the recipes in the book. For me they are starting points. With a complicated recipe I’ll follow it the first time but with easy ones like the Broccoli Stir Fry recipe I showcase below, I play. I adapted my recipe from the Broccoli and Cauliflower Stir Fry recipe in Mary Berry Everyday by Mary Berry. I wouldn’t have gotten to mine without the inspiration – this is why I love cookbooks. Sometimes I read two, three or four and come up with a mash up from all of them as my final meal. I also sometimes pull the strangest ideas out of nowhere – but that’s another blog post altogether.

I do thank Independent Publishers Group for sending me a copy of the book at no charge for my honest review.

Mary Berry Everyday by Mary Berry

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About Mary Berry Everyday:

“Everyday cooking is about sharing your love of food with family and friends. With this book I hope that you will feel encouraged to create new favorites, making everyday meals into something extra-special.” Add a little Mary magic to your cooking with 120 brand-new recipes from the inspiring BBC series. Delicious family suppers, tempting food for sharing and plenty of sweet treats, all made with everyday ingredients and a clever twist. Includes metric measures and conversion charts.

About the Author:

Mary Berry is the author of more than 30 cookbooks, including Cook Now, Eat LaterMary Berry’s Complete CookbookMary Berry’s Stress-Free KitchenMary Berry’s Ultimate Cake Book; and Real Food—Fast.

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My Opinion:

I, like many other Americans, came to know Mary Berry by watching the Great British Baking Show. Her dislike of soggy bottoms and gentle admonitions to the contestants make her a an absolute delight. Well known for her baking, this book is a general, all around cookbook that covers everything and is a companion of sorts to a show she hosts on the BBC.

There is nothing overly complicated in the book – it would make an excellent addition to a beginner’s library with recipes for basics like guacamole, simple bruschetta, easy main dishes and of course some delightful desserts.

All along the way Mary offers her sage advice on ways to prepare ahead and to make the recipe prep as easy as possible. There are rather extensive sections at the beginning with pantry suggestions, meal plans utilizing the recipes in the book and freezer planning. These would all be welcome to the new cook or to someone just setting up their house. I’ve been married for 36 years now and I still found some useful tips – one can never stop learning when it comes to cooking and baking!

The recipes are offered in both British and American weights and measures so there are no worries about having to “translate” between grams and ounces and the like.




easy broccoli stir fry recipe, farm to table cooking

Easy Broccoli Stir Fry

Serves  2

3 cups broccoli florets

2 tsp canola oil

2 TBS chopped onion

1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 tsp salt

1 TBS honey

2 tsp rice vinegar

2 cups cooked rice

Heat a wok or large saute pan over med high heat.

Add the oil. When hot add the onions and let cook until they just start to turn golden.

easy broccoli stir fry recipe, farm to table cooking

Add the broccoli and the garlic. Stir fry for a minute or so and then cover to let steam for two minutes or so until the vegetables are crisp/tender. Sprinkle with the salt and stir fry for another minute. Adjust seasoning if needed.

Mix the honey and rice vinegar until combined.

easy broccoli stir fry recipe, farm to table cooking

To plate: Place a cup of rice on each plate and top with half of the broccoli mixture. Drizzle half the honey/vinegar on each serving

How Was the Easy Broccoli Stir Fry?

In a word – AWESOME. I never would have thought to try honey on broccoli had I not read the Mary Berry cookbook! Her recipe called for straight honey but my little brain told me to mix it with rice vinegar and the hubby and I were both very happy with how it tasted.

easy broccoli stir fry recipe, farm to table cooking

The meal we had that night was real Farm to Table harvest dinner. I served the stir fry with a salad made from fresh picked lettuce and our first tomato of the season. The hubby had also brought in three green beans (seriously?) so I just chopped them up and added them to the salad. We also had some corn on the cob.

I so enjoy this time of year on the farm. The food is so delightful and I have fun playing in the kitchen. It doesn’t have to be fancy to be delicious – like the Oven Roasted Vegetables recipe I posted last week.

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