Easy Roasted Potatoes with Garlic, Paprika and Turmeric

roasted potatoes

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Potatoes are one of my favorite side dish recipes. I could happily eat them at every meal but the husband prefers rice so what do I cook more often? Do I really have to answer that question? Anyone married for a long time already knows the answer. It’s a good thing I like rice as well – but I love potatoes. On the occasions that I do serve them I make sure that the recipe is a good one like these easy roasted potatoes. One that I know he will enjoy. These crispy on the outside, soft on the inside potatoes fill that bill.


roasted potatoes

Easy Roasted Potatoes with Garlic, Paprika and Turmeric

Serves 2

  • 4 medium Yukon gold potatoes
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • Preheat oven to 375


  • Peel and cut potatoes into small chunks. Make sure they are dry.
  • Add potatoes to a medium bowl.
  • Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with garlic powder, turmeric, paprika, salt and pepper.
  • Stir to coat potatoes
  • Remove potatoes to a baking sheet

roasted potatoes

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  • Bake in preheated oven for 12 minutes. Turn the baking sheet and bake for 10 more minutes.

How Were the Easy Roasted Potatoes?

DElicious! That’s how the easy roasted potatoes were. Even the husband admitted that they were mighty tasty and as I noted he is not a potato guy. I may or may not have eaten more than my share. Honestly, I don’t care. The next time I make these I think I will make more so that I have leftovers.

I used the same spice mix, minus the garlic, the other night when I served the meatball subs we had for dinner when I made homemade rolls. It is so nice to finally have some room to actually make things in the kitchen thanks to the arrival of the big table. I have really been able to create much more than I had in the past few months.


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Kitchen Remodel

I have lamented before about the state of the kitchen in this house. It’s pitiful. But that will be changing very soon.  My new range arrives next Saturday and I am very excited about that because I have a hate/hate/HATE relationship with my current range.

new range
Image courtesy Best Buy

I haven’t had this much trouble cooking/baking since I started cooking/baking as a teenager. It will be lovely to have at least a start to a functional kitchen although I have to learn how to cook on an induction cooktop. Yay!

The contractor was here today and he will be starting in March but the first thing to be tackled will the conversion of one of the bedrooms upstairs into a second bathroom/laundry room. After that the kitchen will get tackled.

I’ve picked out so many things I can hardly remember them any more. I do know my backsplash is going to be made up from some of these gorgeous tiles, the countertop is a marble that is blueish with sparkles in it, the cabinets are navy, the appliances are black stainless and the walls will be yellow.

The floors are varied width, pine, plank flooring to match the rest of the house. Needless to write – I can’t wait. It will be so nice to have a functional kitchen where my poor KitchenAids don’t have to reside on the floor.

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