Orange Spiced Pickled Beets Recipe

pickled beets recipe

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Every year the beets come in and I have to decide what to do with them. Hubby loves beets – me? I can pretty much do without them. I did learn that Chocolate Beet Cake is seriously awesome which truly surprised me.  Most of the harvest was frozen for use during the winter. I did save some of the smaller ones to make the hubby a Beet Salad with Walnuts and Apples – he loved it! From there it was – what do I want to do with the remaining beets? Pickling was one obvious answer and I decided to play with flavors.



pickled beets recipe


Orange Spiced Pickled Beets

6 pints

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10 cups chopped, peeled beets
3 1/2 cups white vinager
1 1/2 cup water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
peel from two oranges
48 bing cherries
6 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp cardamom seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp whole allspice
1 tsp whole cloves

Clean and trim the beets.

Parboil the beets to make removing the skins easier.

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Peel the beets and them in chunks and set aside.

Have your jars and canner readyspice bag for pickled beets
Prepare a spice bag with the cardamom, allspice and cloves.
Mix the vinegar and water in a non-reactive, heavy bottomed pot. Add the spice bag and heat over medium high heat until boiling. Lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

pickled beets
Add the beets and continue simmering for 10 more minutes.
Remove from heat.

cherries and oranges to flavor pickled beets
Add 4 cherries, 1 cinnamon stick and some pieces of orange rind to each of the prepared pint jars.
Add some beets and four more cherries, then more beets.
Fill the jars with the pickling liquid leaving 1/2″ headspace.

pickled beets
Use a non-metal implement to remove any air space and add more liquid if necessary.
Clean the tops of the jars.
Add the lid, following the directions of the type you prefer to use.
Place the band, turning until fingertip tight.
Process in a waterbath canner for 30 minutes at sea level. I process for 35 minutes as I am over 3,000 feet.Turn off the heat and let the jars sit in the water for 5 minutes.
Remove the jars from the canner and let sit for 24hrs. Check the seals.

pickled beets

How Was the Pickled Beet Recipe?

I am revisiting this post so I can tell you that the hubby loved this pickled beets recipe. He said the orange and spice flavors really came through in the beets. He also loved the pickled cherries. I add them to salads and often as a side dish. He is glad I decided to experiment with his pickled beets. I will add these in rotation with the Thai Spiced Pickled Beets I have made in the past.


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