Bread and Butter Pickles Recipe

bread and butter pickles

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Some years we get a lot of cucumbers, other years we get just enough for me to enjoy a few dishes of Sunomono and several batches of Tzatziki. Other years there are so many I can hardly keep up and I am canning garlic dill relish and dill pickles like a madwoman and I start looking for other things to do with cucumbers. Someone suggested a bread and butter pickles recipe and I was sure, why not – what do I have to lose at this point?

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bread and butter pickles recipe

Bread and Butter Pickles

5 – 6 pints

  • 10 cups of sliced pickling cucumbers
  • 8 shallots sliced thin (a mandoline helps to get them sliced evenly)
  • 1/2 cup of pickling salt
  • 3 cups of white vinegar
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 TBSP of mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp of celery seeds
  • 1 tsp of ground tumeric.

mix cucumber, shallots and salt

  • Mix the cucumbers, shallots and salt in a large non reactive bowl

cover with water

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  • Cover with cold water and let sit for two hours
  • While the cucumbers and shallots are sitting, prepare your water bath canner and pint jars.
  • Drain the mixture in a colandar and rinse with cold water

add spices, vinegar and sugar

  • In a large, not reactive pot bring the vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds and tumeric to a boil. Add the cucumbers and shallots. Return to a boil. Turn off the heat.

put bread and butter pickles in jars

  • Pack the pickle mixture in pint jars leaving 1/2″ head room. Use a plastic spatula to remove any air pockets. Add more liquid if necessary
  • Wipe the rims. Warm the lids, place them on the jars and add the bands twisting to finger tight.
  • Process for 10 minutes. If you are above 3,000 follow the directions for canning at higher altitudes.
  • Turn the heat off under the canner and let the jars sit in the canner with the lid on for 5 minutes.

bread and butter pickles

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  • Remove the jars and let them sit overnight before moving.
  • Store as you do

How Was the Bread and Butter Pickles Recipe?

I only know because I had about 5 1/2 pints worth so I put some in the refrigerator. Otherwise they would have all gone into jars to be opened later. They are tasty but I must admit that I enjoy dill pickles more. These are a bit on the sweet side – which they are supposed to be – but I just like a more vinegary pickle. I used the ones I had on a tuna sandwich and they went well with the fish. I also think I was happier with the shallots than I would have been with onions as I am not a big onion fan.

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