From the Garden: Garlic Dill Relish

garlic dill relish

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I tend to use a fair amount of relish around here. I keep hard boiled eggs in the ‘fridge at all times so that egg salad can be made for a quick lunch and if you ask me it is not egg salad without relish. Same goes for tuna salad. Most years the cucumber harvest is good and I put up a batch of garlic dill relish but it’s good that it’s just as easy to make with zucchini – because the zucchini harvest never fails. When it gets out of control I make Zucchini Garlic Relish (ps: it’s exactly the same, only using zucchini) and if I have time I will also put up some Zucchini Carrot Ginger Marmalade but today I give you a traditional garlic dill relish recipe made from cucumbers.


garlic dill relish, relish recipe,

Garlic Dill Relish Recipe

Makes 7 pints or 14 half pints

  • 8 lbs cucumbers
  • 2 tsp turmeric
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups finely chopped onion
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • I head of garlic
  • 2 TBS dill seeds
  • 4 cups white vinegar
  • Cut the cucumbers into chunks and put them through the food processor with the metal blade in batches until they are in very small pieces.
  • Add the garlic cloves to the batches as you go along to distribute it with the cucumber.

garlic dill relish, relish recipe,

  • Put the vegetables into a non-reactive pot or bowl with 1/2 cup of pickling salt and 2 tsp of turmeric. Add 4 cups of water. This sits at in a cool place (70 – 75°F/21 – 23°C) for 2 hours.
  • While the mixture is sitting you can get the jars and canner ready and prepare the onions.

garlic dill relish, relish recipe, zucchini relish, zucchini recipe

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  • Drain the mixture in a colander. Squeeze the remainder with your hands to get out as much of the moisture as you can.
mix ingredients in pot
It does look a bit like a witch’s brew, doesn’t it?
  • Place the squeezed mixture into a non-reactive stock pot with the onions, sugar, dill seeds and vinegar.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat and boil gently for about 10 minutes. It is now ready to can.

garlic dill relish, relish recipe,
Ladle the hot relish into hot jars.

  • Use a non reactive spatula to remove any air pockets and readjust the amount in the jar if necessary. Leave 1/2? of headspace (1cm). Twist the bands finger tight.
  • The recipe will make 7 pints or 14 half pints.
  • Process according to your canner’s directions – always check before use.
  • At sea level: Pints 15 minutes/half pints 10 minutes
  • At 3,000 ft+: Pints 20 minutes/half pints 15 minutes
  • I am not familiar with rules for altitude canning
  • After processing remove from heat and let jars sit in the canner with the lid on for 5 minutes and then remove.

How Was the Garlic Dill Relish Recipe?

It is very good. I’ve used it in deviled eggs, Russian dressing and on hot dogs and hamburgers.  The hubby loves it and we go through so many jars a year. I’m happy to be able to keep the pantry stocked with this relish recipe and pickles. That way when I bake up some hot dog and hamburger rolls I’ll have everything I need to make the barbecue perfect.

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