Ginger Spiced Pear Jam Recipe

ginger spiced pear jam in jars

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I am very lucky to live next door to neighbors that have amazing orchard. I’ve mentioned them before as they have gifted me with a generous array of fruit over the years. They have planted a fair number of pear trees and I ended up with a significant quantity. I had never heard of a pear jam recipe before but decided to give it a try. I looked around and read various recipes and decided to go my own way – what a surprise, right? This ginger spiced pear jam is the result of my searching and it turned out quite well if I do say so myself.

Creating a Pear Jam Recipe

The hubby is not so fond of pears so I thought I would find a way to make the jam more to his liking  – so ginger came to mind. The recipe took off from there as recipes often do with a little of this and a little of that. So I give you my take on what turned out to be a really tasty jam.

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Ginger Spiced Pear Jam Recipe

6 cups chopped pears
3/4 cup brown sugar
3 1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp butter
1 tsp lemon juice
1 star anise
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
3 TBS freshly grated ginger root
pinch of salt
1 box low sugar pectin

additional lemon juice, some fruit fresh or citric acid to put into the water to keep the pears from turning brown while you get them all chopped

makes 6 half pints

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chop pears

Have your canner and 6 half pint jars ready.

chop pears


Chop the pears into small pieces. As you work put them in a bowl of water with some lemon juice, fruit fresh or citric acid to keep them from turning brown.

Grate your ginger; I keep my ginger root in the freezer – that way I can always have some on hand and it is very easy to grate. I used my Microplane citrus grater for this recipe.

Place the 6 cups of pears, the ginger, lemon juice and the 3/4 cup of brown sugar in a heavy bottomed large pot on the stovetop. Let this cook just until the sugar melts.

add cinnamon and star anise

Next, add the star anise, the cinnamon stick and the grated nutmeg. Stir in the low sugar pectin and 1/4 cup of granulated sugar. Cook over med-high heat until this comes to a rolling boil.

Add the remaining granulated sugar and the 1 tsp of butter. When it comes back to a rolling boil let it boil for one minute and turn off the heat. Remove the star anise and cinnamon stick.

Fill your jars. Use a non-metal utentsil (I use my plastic offset spatula) to remove and bubbles. Wipe off the rims and seal.

Process in a water bath canner for 20 minutes if under 3,000 ft., 25 minutes if 3,000+. Always check your canner’s instructions before using it. Turn off the heat and let the jars sit in the canner for 5 minutes then remove.

How Was the Ginger Spiced Pear Jam?

This was really yummy for a first try of a recipe! It was sweet, spicy and had the ginger bite at the end. I will be making another batch and it will be part of my jam making repertoire from now on! It will be a welcome addition to my jam pantry with my cherry lemonade jam, low sugar orange marmalade and no sugar strawberry pineapple jam.


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