Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausage Adds Bold Flavor to French Toast

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

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Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

I am going to let you in on a secret – I love sausage. OK, maybe it wasn’t so much of a secret. I will note that there aren’t that many really tasty sausages out there, at least that I’ve found as of yet and I haven’t tried making my own. I’m always glad when I learn of a new product and it turns out to be well made and tasty. On a recent trip to Walmart I found a new to me sausage – Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausage. I picked up several packages and I was happy to read that they are made with high quality pork and beef, have no fillers, artificial colors or flavors and no MSG. They are high in protein and I can tell you from experience they are downright delicious.

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Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

I am one of those people who likes her breakfast for dinner. Since breakfast can be a pain in the tail to cook in the morning I like to save it for a later occasion. I particularly like French toast for these special meals – what’s not to like? It’s rich and eggy, sweet and savory and you can pretty much dress up the flavors any way you want. After taking a little taste of the BOLD flavor of Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages Original Flavor – they are fully cooked –  I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my French Toast. So follow along as I shake up a vary traditional breakfast recipe with some bold changes.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

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Overnight French Toast with the Bold Taste of Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausage and Bourboned Apples

Serves 4 – 6

For the French Toast:
1/2 loaf of Italian or French bread
6 eggs
1/4 cup whole milk
1 cup orange juice
1/4 cup bourbon
1 TBS pure vanilla extract
2 TBS cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages Original Flavor

For the Bourboned Apples:
8 apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1 cup granulated sugar
4 TBS unsalted butter
1/3 cup bourbon
juice of half a lemon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

cooking spray
powdered sugar

Spray a 13 x 9″ baking dish with cooking spray

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Slice the French or Italian bread about 1/2 inch thick

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Add the eggs, milk, orange juice, vanilla, cinnamon and salt to a large bowl. Whisk until all of the ingredients are well combined.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
If you desire an additional layer of flavor in your dish, grill the Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Slice the cooked sausages about 1/4″ thick.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Line the baking dish with the bread in one layer. Add the Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausage pieces to fill in the spaces.
Pour the egg mixture over the bread and sausages.
Cover the mixture and refrigerate overnight.
The next day when you are ready to cook the French toast:
Preheat the oven to 350°

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Cook the French toast, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove the cover and bake for an additional 30 – 40 minutes until the French toast is lightly browned and the custard is fully baked.
While the French toast is baking make the Bourboned Apples:

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

Peel, core and slice the apples. I find it makes for a better tasting topping if you can use more than one type of apple.

Place a heavy bottomed, tall sided pan over medium high heat.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Add the granulated sugar and let it melt. It will look like little rocks but it will soon turn to a liquid. Watch the color – you don’t want it to burn.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

When it turns light amber add the butter.
The sugar will hiss and spit. STIR, STIR, STIR. It will calm.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

When the butter is all melted add the apples.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
Don’t worry. Just keep stirring. It will melt.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
After it has melted add the bourbon, vanilla, lemon juice and salt. Let simmer until the apples are just cooked through. Some will be translucent.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad
To Serve: place one or two pieces of bread with some sausage pieces on the plate/bowl and top with the bourboned apples. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if you would like.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

The apples serve as the syrup for the dish so you don’t need anything else! The combination was really good; the eggy bread, the soft/crisp apples with that syrup of many flavors. It has so much depth. The Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausage Original Flavor has a wonderful spicey taste that complements the sweet side of the dish. It brings out all of the BOLD flavors in the dish.

The Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages are available in several different flavors including:

Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages Original Flavor
Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages Jalapeno Flavor
Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages Cheddar Flavor

I found them on my last shopping trip to Walmart – they were easy to find in the Breakfast Meats refrigerated case.

Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages, Overnight French Toast with Jack Link's Wild Side Sausages and Bourboned Apples, #WildSideofFlavor, #CollectiveBias, #ad

I’ve got exciting news!!!! The Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages are on Rollback pricing ($3.48) from now until Memorial Day. So in addition to being able to cook up a great brunch – or any other meal –  with BOLD flavors you can save money at the same time. That is my kind of two for one!

You can learn more at jacklinks.com

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Jack Link’s Wild Side Sausages?

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