Making Homemade Crackers – Lavash

making homemade crackers, lavash

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I’ve been having a bit of fun in the kitchen lately making things I’ve always wanted to make but just never did before. I made gnocchi for the first time (and certainly not the last!) I’ve also been having lots of fun with my new KitchenAid attachments. The other day I tried a recipe for something else I’d wanted to try for a while – making homemade crackers. The hubby had given me two bread cookbooks for Christmas and while looking through one of them, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice I came upon a recipe for Lavash – an Armenian flatbread that makes a rather tasty cracker.

making homemade crackers, lavash

Table of Contents

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Making Homemade Crackers – Lavash

1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp yeast
1 TBS honey
1 TBS vegetable oil
1/3 to 1/2 cup water at room temperature
assorted seeds, spices, herbs, etc. for topping

You can either mix the ingredients together in a stand mixer and let it do the kneading for you or mix them in a bowl and do the kneading yourself. I used a stand mixer so I give the directions that way
In the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attached add the flour, salt, yeast, honey and oil.

TIP: measure and add the oil first, then the honey. The honey will  slide off of the greased tablespoon.

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As the paddle is turning on speed one, add just enough water to bring the dough together. You might not use all of it. I ended up using just slightly more than 1/3rd a cup.
Put on the dough hook and knead the dough on speed one for 10 minutes.

making homemade crackers, lavash
Form the dough into a ball and place in in an oiled bowl. Cover it and let rise for 90 minutes.Prepare a half sheet pan or other heavy baking sheet with parchment paper.
Preheat the oven to 350°

making homemade crackers, lavash
Spritz the counter with a bit of oil and flatten the dough into a rectangle. Dust the top with flour.

making homemade crackers, lavash
Roll the dough into a rectangle 15″ x 12″. You want it to be as thin as you can roll it.

making homemade crackers, lavash
Carefully move the dough onto the prepared baking sheet.

making homemade crackers, lavash
I sprinkled the lavash with toasted sesame seeds, coarse salt and dried tomatoes

Brush the dough with water and sprinkle your choice of seeds, salt, herbs, etc on top. Be judicious as a little bit goes a long way.
You can choose to cut the crackers at this point or break them after they are baked. If you prefer neater, evenly shaped crackers, cut them before baking. A pizza wheel works well. If you would like a more rustic look, break them into shards after baking. I chose the latter

making homemade crackers, lavash
Bake the lavash in the preheated oven, on the middle rack, for 15 – 20 minutes until it is lightly browned and crisp.

making homemade crackers, lavash
Let cool. If you didn’t cut them earlier in the process, carefully break them into shards now.
The crackers will keep in an air tight container for about a week.

How was it Making Homemade Crackers?

It was fun! The dough was a dream to work with and it rolled beautifully. I actually made two batches so don’t expect to get as many as are in my bowl above if you follow the recipe. They are quite tasty too. I’ve enjoyed them with cheese and just as a snack and they are delicious both ways. I’ll be making them again I’m sure.

Other Bread Recipes

Batbout – Moroccan Pita

Homemade Bagels

How to Make Bread Bowls

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