Spicy Bass with Barbecue Sauce on Cellophane Noodles

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I received free samples from Cookshack for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation for this post.

The Great Turkey Escape continues and today I bring you a recipe utilizing the products from Cookshack in a different way from what you might expect; I didn’t grill! In fact, I don’t have a grill – only a grill pan.  I know I would love to have one especially one of those B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. pellet grills that Cookshack sells.

I always like to show the versatility of a product; you don’t just have to use it for what it says on the label! So with that thought in mind I give you:

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Spicy Bass with Barbecue Sauce on Cellophane Noodles


Serves two

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8 oz bass or other mild white fish
Cookshack Spicy Chicken Rub
1 section cellophane noodles from the three sections in the package
1/2 cup dry roasted, unsalted peanuts
1/3 cup Cookshack Spicy Barbecue Sauce
1 1/2 TBSP hoisan Sauce
1 TBSP honey

Preheat the oven to 350°

Place the dried cellophane noodles in a bowl. Cover with boiling water, cover the bowl and let sit for 10 minutes until noodles are soft and translucent. Drain and return to bowl.

While the noodles are sitting sprinkle the fish fillets with a small amount of Cookshack Spicy Chicken Rub. I learned in my first attempt that it IS salty so go lighter than my photos show. I would say perhaps 1/8 tsp on each side and rub it in. Put the fillets on a parchment or silicone covered baking tray and place in the hot oven and bake for about 8 minutes. As you can see from the photo my fillets were quite thin, about 1/4″ – they are from wild caught fish. If yours are thicker adjust the cooking time accordingly.

While the fish is in the oven make the sauce. Mix the Cookshack Spicy Barbecue Sauce, hoisan sauce and honey in a small sauce pan over med-high heat. Let it simmer for a minute or two until it thickens a bit. Remove from the heat.

Toast the peanuts until they just get a bit of color on them and roughly chop.

Add 1 TBSP of the sauce to the drained cellophane noodles in the bowl and mix well.

To serve place about half of the noodles on the plate and then add half of the fish. Drizzle some of the sauce over both – just a little! Sprinkle the chopped peanuts on top.

I served this with a tomato and raisin salad with a rice wine vinaigrette. The cooling salad was a perfect foil for the spicy fish.

We both enjoyed this meal but as I mentioned that when I make it again I will go a bit lighter with the rub. The heat of the rub was delightful on the mild fish and the slight sweetness I added to the spicy barbecue sauce was delicious. The salad was a simple yet perfect side dish. I am so sorry that the last of the tomatoes have been eaten.

Disclosure:  I received free samples from Cookshack for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation for this post.

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