Marbled Banana Bundt Cake Recipe

marbled banana bundt cake on cake stand

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What’s a girl to do when she has bananas that need baking and no cake on her cake stand? Why bake up a marbled banana bundt cake of course. Plain and chocolate banana batters are swirled together to create this pretty cake. It is a very dense, very moist cake so keep that in mind! If you have brown bananas this is a recipe that is for you.

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marbled banana bundt cake

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Marbled Banana Bundt Cake

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 TBS cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature (I used duck eggs)
  • 4 very ripe bananas (about 1 1/2 – 1 3/4 cups mushy banana)*
  • 1 cup sour cream

*I used thawed, frozen bananas and it worked just fine

  • Center a rack in your oven and preheat to 350
  • Butter and flour a 10 cup bundt pan (very important to get this step right)
  • In a medium bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt
  • In a stand mixer with the paddle attached, beat the butter until creamy.  Add the sugar and beat on medium speed until light and fluffy.
  • Beat in the vanilla
  • Add the eggs, one at a time until well incorporated.
  • Lower the speed to low and mix in the banana.
  • Turn off the mixer and half the dry ingredients but for the cocoa powder. Mix on low until combined. Add the sour cream, mix in, then add the rest of the dry ingredients
  • Remove 1 1/2 cups of batter and place in a medium bowl. Stir in the cocoa powder.
  • Pour the plain batter into the prepared bundt pan.
  • Drop the chocolate batter by large dollops on top of the plain batter. Swirl in with a butter knife (see video)
marbled banana bundt cake ready to bake
  • Tap the pan on a table a couple of times to settle the batter.
  • Bake in the preheated oven until a tester comes out clean – 65 to 75 minutes (mine took a little big longer, about 7 more minutes)
  • Cool on a wire rack, then remove from pan.
  • Dust with powdered sugar if desired before serving.

How Was the Marbled Banana Bundt Cake?

It’s very banana-y. And as I noted very moist and very dense. So keep that in mind if you bake one. It is not a light an airy cake and I cannot stress that enough. It is though, very good. I am glad I added the chocolate part as I believe it really needed the addition of another flavor in there or it might have been a bit boring.

A little bit goes a long way too!

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Any time I have bananas that are starting to turn I just pop them in the freezer in their skins. This way they don’t go to waste and I know I can bake a tasty banana bundt cake sometime in the future! Or some other kind of banana cake.

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