Mellow My Heart Valentine’s Day Treats

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Howdy, everyone! I hope that you all are having a wonderful day. Today I wanted to share with you a little recipe that even your kiddos can help you make. These are so easy and fun for everyone to enjoy. ? One thing I adore in life is Cheerios, and I am in love with their Strawberry flavor! YUMMY!! These are great with cereal but also great by themselves as a snack. Why not take it a step further and add marshmallow? That is just what we did!

Mellow My Heart Valentine's Day Treats

When I say these are simple, I am talking like two to three ingredients, and they would be super cute packaged up for treats for school! Literally, all we used was Strawberry Cheerios, Mini Marshmallows, and a bit of sprinkles for more color (which is totally optional).

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Mellow My Heart Valentine's Day Treats

The only thing that you need to do is simply microwave your desired amount of Marshmallows. You need to watch that you don’t overheat, but I found for a cup it takes about 35 seconds in our microwave. I just used a Tupperware container for this.

Mellow My Heart Valentine's Day Treats

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Mellow My Heart Valentine's Day Treats

Lastly, you will want to fold in the Strawberry Cheerios. You let this set up in the fridge for about an hour. I then used a simple heart cookie cutter to make little heart shapes.

Mellow My Heart Valentine's Day Treats

Easy right?!?!?! They are really tasty and super easy! This is a little treat that everyone can enjoy for the upcoming Valentine’s Day not to mention a great little gift once packaged. Till next time, Happy Baking ?

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