Peach Blackberry Pie Recipe

slice of peach blackberry pie on a purple plate

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I love pie! After ice cream cake it’s my favorite dessert. Every year I look forward to the summer parade of pies from strawberry pie to cherry pie to peach pie. This year I decided to try a different pie recipe when it came to peach season; I combined the beautiful peaches the hubby brought me from the farmer’s market with some of the blackberry harvest and made a Peach Blackberry Pie.

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slice of peach blackberry pie in front of  the rest of the pie

Peach Blackberry Pie Recipe

Serves 8 – 10

For the Pie Crust

  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • healthy pinch of salt
  • 3 TBS granulated sugar
  • 8 TBS cold butter cut into pieces
  • 1/3 cup cold shortening
  • up to 5 TBS ice water

For the Pie Filling

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  • 2 cups blackberries
  • 6 cups sliced peaches
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup corn starch
  • 1 TBS butter, cut into 6 pieces
  • 1 egg mixed with a little water to make an egg wash for the top of the pie
  • Sugar in the Raw to sprinkle on top of the pie

Make the pie crust:

  • Mix the flour, salt and sugar in a bowl. Add the cold butter and shortening. Cut the fats into the flour mixture with a pastry blender or two knives until the mixture resembles small peas.
  • Add the ice water one tablespoon at a time, mixing with a fork until the dough just comes together.
  • Turn out onto your work surface and knead a few times until the dough forms a cohesive ball. Cut into two pieces, form into two flattened circles, wrap in plastic wrap or wax paper and put in the refrigerator for an hour to rest.
  • While the dough is resting cut and peel the peaches. Make slices about 1/2″ thick

peaches and blackberries in a bowl

  • Add the peaches and blackberries to a bowl with the sugar and let sit for about half an hour.
  • After the dough has rested roll out one disc to fit a 9″ pie plate. Return the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Preheat oven to 400
  • Drain the peaches and blackberries and add the cornstarch. Stir to mix.
add fruit to pie plate
I was originally going to make a crumb pie so that is why the bottom crust is crimped here but I changed my mind and decided to make a two crust pie
  • Add the fruit mixture to the pie plate. Top with the butter pieces
  • Roll out the second disc, cover the fruit and trim, crimping or tucking in the crust.

brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar in the raw

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  • Place the pie on a baking sheet in case of spillover if desired.
  • Cut a few steam slits in the top of the pie.
  • Brush with the egg wash and sprinkle with the sugar in the raw if desired.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes then lower the temperature to 350 and bake for another 45 minutes, checking periodically to make sure the crust isn’t overbrowning. If it is, place a piece of foil over top. Be sure to spray the foil with cooking spray first so it doesn’t stick. Be sure to let the pie be uncovered for the last 15 minutes.
  • The pie is finished when you can see the filling bubbling in the steam slits.

cool pie on wire rack


  • Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
  • Let cool completely before cutting. Even better if you can wait overnight.

How Was the Peach Blackberry Pie Recipe?

This is a delicious combination for a pie. It is a perfect sweet/tart combination without either overruling the other. I liked it so much I made a batch of peach blackberry low sugar jam. I’ll share that recipe next week. Much like the strawberry cherry low sugar jam I made this year I believe this will be another combination that will become a yearly addition to the pantry.


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