Soft Shell Crabs Picatta Style – Recipe

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I was leaving for a blog conference and I wanted to cook a nice meal for the hubby before I left so I turned to one of his favorites, soft shell crabs. I didn’t want to make the same Classic Soft Shell Crabs I had made for his birthday so I decided to turn to a favorite chicken recipe for inspiration – Chicken Picatta. It is one of the very few things I make over and over again because we both love the flavors so much. I knew the wine and lemon would go very well with the delicate crab so that is what I made, Soft Shell Crabs Picatta Style. He was a happy man.

soft shell crabs, soft shell crab recipe, soft shell crabs picatta

Soft Shell Crabs Picatta Style

Serves 1

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2 jumbo soft shell crabs
1/4 cup white wine
1/4 cup chicken stock
juice of half a lemon
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper
1 tsp unsalted butter
1 TBS olive oil

1 cup prepared brown rice

soft shell crabs, soft shell crab recipe, soft shell crabs picatta

If your soft shell crabs are frozen be sure to thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. If you are lucky enough to live where you can get them fresh salt them on both sides in preparation for cooking.

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Sprinkle some salt and pepper to the flour and dredge the crabs in the flour being sure to coat both sides.

soft shell crabs, soft shell crab recipe, soft shell crabs picatta

1. Place a large saute pan over med-high heat and add the butter and olive oil.
2. When the butter has melted and the pan is hot add the crabs and cook on each side for about a minute and a half until they have a nice bit of brown on them. They will go back in the pan so they don’t have to cook through.
3. Remove the crabs and set aside. Deglaze the pan with the white wine. Add the chicken stock and reduce the mixture slightly.
4. Add the crabs back in – upside down -, add the lemon juice and let the crabs cook in the liquid, turning once until the liquids are thickened and the crabs are cooked about 2 – 2 1/2 minutes.

soft shell crabs, soft shell crab recipe, soft shell crabs picatta

Serve the crabs over the brown rice and pour the pan juices over top. I also gave the hubby some roasted broccoli and cauliflower but obviously you can add whatever vegetable you would like.

He loved his going away dinner; he said the crabs were sweet and the picatta flavors were perfect with the crustacean. The soft shells were from my favorite online purveyor of seafood – Anderson Seafoods and he said they tasted like they had been bought fresh.

Other Crab Cake Recipes

Summer Soft Shell Crab

Classic Soft Shell Crab

Soft Shell Crabs on Soba Noodles with Nori and Pickled Ginger




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