Perfect Brunch Recipe: Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg #HowDoYouHash

brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

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brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

In most families of my generation the daddy would go off to work in the morning and then he would come home for dinner at night when everyone would sit and eat together. Typically on Sunday there would be a big family meal after church. The mother would prepare a brunch recipe like french toast or perhaps pancakes and bacon. If she was feeling adventurous she might make eggs Benedict or corned beef hash.

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This did not happen in my family. Unlike most dads, my father traveled for his job. He would come home twice a month at best. I was “Daddy’s little girl” so I would always anxiously await his return. Of course my mother was happy he was home too; she was stuck at in a small row house with four kids, two dogs and she couldn’t drive! We were all thrilled to see him when he got back from his travels and as with most happy occasions food plays a big role in my childhood memories of these times.

My mother loved to cook but with four young children in the house she didn’t get much chance to make many fancy dishes. If she thought she’d have the opportunity when my father came home she soon learned that he wanted simple, easy to make, comfort foods. He always said he was so tired of restaurant food that he wanted nothing more than his beloved canned pepper pot soup or franks and beans for dinner and for Sunday breakfast he loved nothing more than HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash. His favorite way to eat this convenient, hearty dish was to fry it up in a pan until it was just starting to crisp and then top it with a couple of fried eggs.

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Father at wedding, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

Just looking at the can made me think of my father – it’s amazing how the simplest thing can start that memory movie in your head. My father has been dead for almost 14 years and I’m thankful that when I think of him it’s with smiles and any tears that fall are happy ones. Like those that always come when I think of my wedding. My father loved to throw a party and what is a wedding reception but the ultimate party?

He even eventually learned to love my husband. Which also makes me smile.

Me as a baby and daddy, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

It is remarkable how big a role food plays in our memories isn’t it? I can picture his plate of HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash with the chunks of tender potato and tender corned beef covered with a perfectly cooked pair of eggs. He’d add a dash of ketchup and then he was all set to enjoy his favorite breakfast at home with his family.

I too, love HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® hash, yet I wanted to make a brunch recipe that was just a little more special. I am sure that if my father were alive he’d really enjoy this inside out take on his favorite breakfast. It combines all of the flavors that he loved but in a fancier presentation. This brunch recipe does take a little bit of time and a dose of patience but I think it’s worth it for a special meal.

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Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg

Serves 2

1 can HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash – corned beef
1 egg
3/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1/3 cup ketchup
cooking spray
2 soft boiled eggs – instructions below

Make the soft boiled eggs.

making soft boiled eggs, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad
Heat a 4 quart pot full of water to boiling. CAREFULLY lower 4 eggs into the boiling water. Reduce to a simmer.  (I make more eggs than I need so that if one cracks I have a spare. The extra eggs can be used for other purposes)
Simmer the eggs for 5 minutes.
While the eggs are simmering prepare an ice water bath – a large bowl full of ice and water.
When the eggs are done carefully dip them out of the simmering water with a spoon and carefully add them to the ice water bath. Let the eggs cool completely – about 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 400°
Place a sheet of foil on a small baking pan.
Empty the can of HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® corned beef hash into a bowl.
Add 1/4 cup panko and one egg. Mix well.
Set the rest of the panko in a bowl or on a plate.
CAREFULLY peel the eggs – I learned through some trial and error to crack them from the ends, not the middle. You want the egg to remain intact. Do these one at a time.
Divide the hash mixture into quarters.

making Scotch eggs, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad
Take one of the quarters and smooth it out in the palm of your hand. Carefully place the soft boiled egg in the center and start molding it up the sides.

making Scotch eggs, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

Take another quarter and add it to the top and (carefully) completely cover the egg. Make sure that there are no holes in the covering of the egg.

making Scotch eggs, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad
Carefully roll the hash covered egg in panko. Set on the prepared baking sheet.
Repeat with the second egg and remaining hash.

making Scotch Eggs, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad
Spray the Scotch eggs with cooking spray.
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

cooked Scotch egg, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad
Serve with half of the ketchup drizzled on each Scotch egg.

This is a “surprise” kind of recipe because when you cut into it you find a nice, runny yolk!

Before I show you the big reveal photo I would like to offer one tip for dealing with cooking and then peeling eggs. This works for making hard boiled eggs too – older eggs will peel more easily than fresher eggs.

broken yolk in Scotch Egg, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad


There you can see that beautifully cooked egg surrounded by hot HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® hash!

Isn’t that fun? And delicious!

I won’t say it isn’t a bit of work but it’s worth it! It is certainly a brunch recipe you can present for any special occasion.

HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash at Missoula Fresh Market, brunch recipe, HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash, corned beef hash, Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg, #HowDoYouHash, #CollectiveBias #Ad

I found my HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash at the Missoula Fresh Market. It’s easy to find in just about any grocery store. I had no trouble locating it in the canned food aisle.

I have good news for you too – here’s a coupon where you SAVE $1.00 on the purchase of any two (2) HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash products. (Including HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Corned Beef, Reduced Fat Corned Beef, Sausage or Roast Beef Hashes)

The coupon is good through 3/17/16 so hurry!

I know my father would have loved this Corned Beef Hash Scotch Egg as much as he loved his easy to prepare hash with eggs on top. He always encouraged my cooking efforts from my first Easy Bake Oven to all of the holiday family dinners I hosted prior to his passing. I miss him every day but I’m so happy for all of the smiles he gave me and still gives me – sometimes at the most unexpected times.

Are you going to give this brunch recipe a try?

Which HORMEL® MARY KITCHEN® Hash would you like to try first?

What would you make for brunch – #HowDoYouHash




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