Raspberry Marinated Seabass on Rice – Recipe

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The hubby continues along with his dieting which challenges me to keep coming up with different meals that will satisfy him, taste good and yet still meet his 350 calorie limit. Let me tell you that for a woman who loves her olive oil this is a challenge! When your limit is that low there is no room for fat. As I’ve mentioned before I am lucky in that the hubby LOVES vinegar – he will drink it straight up – so that makes my job a little bit easier and I love all of the great flavored vinegars that are available now to really provide depth to what I make for his so it’s just not the same old thing on the two diet days every week.

I was recently introduced to a new type of flavored vinegar – fresh fruit vinegar – and was excited to try it in one of his diet meals. I was sent Raspberry and Mango flavors from Mangé to try; neither one of us really likes the taste of mango so I used the raspberry to craft a marinade and sauce for his seabass dinner. It was quick and easy and he loved it so that is all I can ask!

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Raspberry Marinated Seabass on Rice


Serves 1

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1 3.5oz seabass fillet
1 TBS Rasberry Fresh Fruit Vinegar
1 TBS tamari
healty pinch of salt
3.5 oz of green bell pepper
3.5 oz of snow peas
1/2 cup prepared Jasmine rice

You can prepare the snow peas how you would like; I roasted mine in the oven at 350°.  I just put them in a baking dish with a sprinkling of salt and let them cook for about 15 minutes.

Mix the raspberry fresh fruit vinegar and the tamari in a bowl. Let the fish marinate for about 15 minutes on each side – longer if you can. I did mine for two rounds of 15 minutes on each side,

Heat a non-stick pan over medium high heat. When it is ready add the fish, lower the heat to med-low and let it cook for 5 minutes. Turn the fish over and let it cook for 7 minutes or until the fish is just done through the center. It will depend on how thickly your fish is cut.

While the fish is cooking saute the green bell pepper in a pan with some salt and a bit of water if need be. Cook them until they just soften a bit.

When the fish is done remove it from the pan and set aside to rest. Add the marinade to the pan and bring to a boil. Let cook for about a minute, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt if necessary.

To serve place the snow peas on the plate, top with the warm Jasmine rice, then the fish. Sprinkle the peppers around the plate and drizzle on the cooked marinade.

Hubby was very happy with this meal. The raspberry flavor came through quite well. He really enjoyed the lively taste of the Fresh Fruit Vinegar – it is richer and sweeter than others we have tried.

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