Zucchini Cakes – A Delicious Way to Use The Zucchini Overload

zucchini cakes, how to make zucchini cakes.

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The hubby and I are moving to Vermont! Our little yurt is sold and we have found a house in Brattleboro. I am in the middle of packing hell and we should be on the road the first week of September. Yes, we are taking the cats. We have purchased a little trailer (ours is a 2015 so the layout is different) so we can get from Montana to Vermont with the cats. It should be … interesting. Just be aware that I might miss a day or two for posting between now the middle of September as we pack up and travel cross country. For now enjoy this delicious zucchini cakes recipe.

It is zucchini season for most people that planted the prolific squash so there are a lot of people drowning in squash. When you have a pile of 15 – 20 zucchini staring at you and threatening to fall over you need to figure out what to do with them. I have made zucchini relish and zucchini marmalade. One night for dinner I tried something new – zucchini cakes. It was a mash up of several recipes I had read. I have to admit for a first try they were pretty tasty. I don’t fry food that often so it’s a real treat when I do.

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zucchini cakes


Zucchini Cakes

Makes 18 small cakes

3 cups grated zucchini
1 cup grated carrot
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 cup all purpose flour
1 TBS salt
2 tsp garlic powder
3 large eggs
2 cups panko bread crumbs
canola oil for frying

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Add the zucchini, carrot and cheese to a large bowl and toss together until well mixed.
Add the flour, salt and garlic powder and toss until combined.
Mix the eggs together with a fork and add to the mixture in the bowl. Gently mix together with your hands until well combined.
Place the panko in a bowl or on a plate.
Heat about 1/2″ of oil in a large fry pan over medium high heat.

Drop the zucchini mixture in small balls – I used a large cookie scoop – into the panko.
Coat with the panko and then press into a disc.
Set the zucchini cakes aside until they are ready to fry
When the oil is hot add the cakes to the pan – don’t over crowd.

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Fry the cakes until they are nicely browned and turn over to cook on the other side.
Remove to a paper towel to drain. Keep warm until ready to serve

I served them on lettuce with some French dressing. Obviously there are a myriad of ways that these could be eaten. I may or may not have just eaten one plain. And it may or may not have been really good.

How Were The Zucchini Cakes?

Pretty darn good. I don’t fry things all that often so anything crunchy is really a treat. These were mighty tasty. The oil was hot so they weren’t greasy – (this is very important. Be sure the oil is hot) – just crispy which is what you want. The French dressing was a perfect accompaniment for the cakes.

 A delicious and refreshing fruit filled Pavlova would make the perfect dessert for this celebration of all things summer dinner. Or if you want to stay with the zucchini theme you could make a zucchini snack cake or a chocolate zucchini cake.


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