Roasted Carrots in Serrano Honey Mustard Sauce – Recipe

roasted carrots

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Now and again the hubby decides he needs to drop a few pounds. I on the other hand, take a medication that basically keeps me from gaining weight. Don’t think this is a good thing. What it does is take away my appetite so I can basically go the whole day without eating because I don’t feel hungry. So dinner is typically the one meal I have because we eat together. When he wants diet food I then cook something else for me. This roasted carrots recipe is a throwback that I pulled out of my draft files but thought it would be a great celebration of the vegetables of summer. If you need to keep the calorie count low serve it just as written below. You could also add a bit of brown rice if you wanted. Additionally this would be a delicious side dish.

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Roasted Carrots in Serrano Honey Mustard Sauce

Serves 1 but you can easily double it

7 oz peeled, sliced carrots
3.5 oz broccoli florets
3 TBS Serrano Honey Vinegar
3 tsp yellow mustard
2 TBS raisins
1/2 oz walnuts, toasted
1/2 cup prepared brown rice
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 350°

In a medium baking dish mix the serrano honey vinegar with the yellow mustard. Mix well.

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Add the carrots and raisins. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Stir until all pieces of carrot are coated.

In a separate small baking dish add the broccoli florets and a sprinkling of salt. Roast both vegetables in the preheated oven for around 20 to 30 minutes until the carrots are crisp/tender and the broccoli the same.

While the vegetables are roasting toast the walnuts and set aside.

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To plate: place the rice in the bottom of the bowl and top with the carrots and remaining sauce in the pan. Place the broccoli around the side. Sprinkle with the chopped walnuts.

How Were the Roasted Carrots in Serrano Honey Mustard Sauce?

The hubby really enjoyed this dish as it contained one of his favorite vegetables. As I noted I am not a fan of carrots so I only make them for him on nights I’m not eating or if I am cooking especially for him. Add in the fact that the carrots had come fresh from the garden so they were extra delicious. The vinegar had a touch of heat that came through with a bit of sweetness as well. He was a happy man.


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