Scallops Recipe – A Twist on an Old Favorite: Scallops Picatta

Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta

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I have really been wanting scallops lately. I don’t know if it’s all of this cold and snowy weather or what but I’ve made more scallop meals this month than I made all of last summer. They do speak to summer for me so who knows. I bring you a twist on a classic chicken recipe today. The tart lemon was a perfect foil for the sweet mollusk.

Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta

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Scallops Picatta

Serves 2

10 – 12 sea scallops
1 TBS canola oil
2 TBS flour
1 tsp salt
juice of one lemon
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 TBS parsley

Make sure the scallops are dry.
Mix the flour and the salt.
Dredge the scallops in the flour mixture.
Heat a saute pan over medium high heat. Add the oil.

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Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta
When the oil is hot add the scallops and cook for 2 – 3 minutes until browned.
Turn over and cook for another 2 minutes.
Remove from the pan.

Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta
Deglaze the pan with the white wine scraping up the brown bits.
After a minute add the chicken stock and return to a simmer. Cook for about 5 minutes until reduced by about half and then add the lemon juice.
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Add the scallops and any juices back to the pan. Sprinkle in the parsley.
Heat through.

Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta
Serve over rice.

How Was the Scallops Picatta?

Scallops Recipe, A Twist on an Old Favorite,Scallops Picatta

I will admit that picatta is a favorite way of cooking for me. It’s simple, it’s quick and it’s very flavorful. I’ve cooked soft shell crabs picatta and Chilean sea bass picatta. It would be equally as good with shrimp and lobster. That is why it’s a classic sauce. It was delicious on scallops and I know I’ll do them this way again. I served them this time on brown rice with the ever present green beans.

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