Vegetable Medley with Bowties – Fresh from The Farmer’s Market Meal

prepare vegetables

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We are starting to explore our new world here in Vermont and Saturday we went to the Brattleboro Farmer’s Market. It certainly won’t be our last visit. I suspect we will go every weekend until it closes for the year. So many beautiful vegetables and other items. I picked up a number of the hubby’s favorites and made him a vegetable medley with bowties for dinner. I don’t have a lot of my usual spices et al here to work with but with ingredients this fresh you really don’t want to add too much anyway. He really enjoyed it so that made me happy. It was the first real meal I cooked in our new home.

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farmer's market vegetable ragu

Vegetable Medley with Bowties

serves 1 but can be scaled to serve more

  • 1 pint shitake or other type of mushroom of choice
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered
  • 4 – 6 beet greens
  • clove of garlic, minced
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • salt
  • 1 TBS rice vinegar
  • 1 TBS white wine
  • 1 TBS unsalted butter
  • 1 cup cooked bow tie pasta or other pasta of choice
  • parmesan cheese to grate over top if desired

prepare vegetables

  • Clean and trim mushrooms* and cut them in half.
  • Chop pepper into small dice
  • Slice beet greens (to make slicing the beet greens easy just pile them on top of each other and roll them up like a cigar. Then just slice through in 1/4 to 1/2″ strips.)
  • Cut tomatoes into quarters

cook vegetables

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  • Heat a large saute pan over medium heat and add 1 tsp olive oil. When hot add the mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and saute until the mushrooms are wilted and cooked through. Remove to a bowl.
  • To the same pan add the chopped pepper and saute until it just starts to soften. Then add in the tomatoes. Season with salt. Saute until the tomatoes start to soften and release their juices.
  • Add all of the cooked vegetables to a bowl to rest.

cook garlic

  • Return the pan to the heat and add the minced garlic. Stir fry until it becomes fragrant
  • Then add the chopped beet greens, sprinkle with rice vinegar and season to taste with salt. Saute until they just start to wilt, 2 – 3 minutes. Add the greens to the vegetables in the bowl.

add vegetables

  • Add the vegetables back to the pan and 1 TBS of white wine

vegetable medley

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  • Let the vegetables cook for a minute or two and then add the bow ties or your choice of pasta to the pan.  Stir in the butter. Let sit for about 5 minutes for the pasta to warm through 
  • If desired grate some Parmesan cheese over top
vegetable medley
please excuse my classy paper plate here. None of my dishes have arrived yet so we are doing the best we can

How Was the Vegetable Medley with Bowties?

This is another of those meals that I didn’t eat for a number of reason the main one being I get deathly sick when I eat peppers (not to mention not being able to breathe around the really hot ones). The hubby loved it though and that is what counts. I cooked this for him so if he was happy, I am happy. When I make meals like this I just prepare something else for me.

He was thrilled as he hadn’t had mushrooms in a long time so he ate every bite. I am sure we will go back next week to get more.

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