4 ideas to decorate a white Christmas tree (and make it look great)

4 ideas to decorate a white Christmas tree (and make it look great)

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The traditional Christmas tree, in green, with tinsel and a star on top, is still a favorite today. However, we have to tell you that it has a tough competitor, the white Christmas tree! Do you know how you can decorate it? What colors should you choose? We tell you 4 ideas to decorate a white Christmas tree and make it more than great. Your tree will shine with its own light! 

Examples and tips so you know how to decorate your white Christmas tree

At the beginning of December, families take their decorations out of the storage room and prepare to place them throughout the house: the garland or crown on the door , the Nativity scene at the entrance, the red sock so that Santa Claus does not forget to leave us the gifts, the stickers on the windows to delight the little ones in the house and, of course, the Christmas tree that presides over the living room and that makes us all so excited . Is this year going to be white? Then decorate it like this.

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1.   Combine the decoration of your white Christmas tree with that of the rest of your home

The first advice that we are going to give you may be the most important of all. Beyond choosing a large or a small Christmas tree, what you should keep in mind is that you have to combine the decoration of the tree with that of the rest of the home. If, for example, the colors stand out in blue that is also the case in the rest of the room. In the same way, if you bet on vintage or minimalist, it will not help you to put a thousand and one decorations throughout the house, the aesthetics would not be the most successful, do not you think?

2. Silver and gold decorations for your white Christmas tree

The white of your Christmas tree will combine super well with any other color. In addition, it has the great advantage of giving light and spaciousness to the room. That is why it would be a good idea to put silver decorations, what a cozy atmosphere! If you wish, you can add a rose gold ball, it will be very elegant. And, to finish, that on your table there is also something in these shades, for example, silver on the cutlery, gold in the center of the table, don’t you think it’s wonderful and a beautiful Christmas picture ?

If you want to go one step further, make the lights that surround the tree white wire. This is how you will create the perfect lighting point sand it will not clash at all with the theme you have chosen this year to dress your house for Christmas.

3 The star has to preside over the tree

A star for the traditional ones, an angel for the most faithful, a bow for the modern ones or the craft that the children have made for the families that most enjoy Christmas. Choose the ornament that you like the most, but remember that at the top of the tree there must be one that stands out well, that is personal and that has meaning. Do not be surprised that it is a topic of conversation during the evening, that and the good taste with which you have put the decorations this year.

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4 The feet of the white tree also have to be decorated

We have decorated our white Christmas tree and put the star on it. What’s left? Well, decorate the base of the tree. Here we also have several options, for example, placing small gift packages, elves, a gold base that covers the legs of the tree and that also has embroidered stars or maybe some wooden logs with snow.

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