Bedfordshire Clanger – Lunch or Dinner and Dessert in One

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

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If you recall, I have been participating in the Great British Bake Off Bakealong hosted by Little House Big Alaska (fortunately she did not have a lot of damage from the earthquake.) I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks since I shared the recipe for gooey toffee pudding. There will be a post after I gather everything for the hand raised pie recipe – that was a fun one. Very unique but oh, so very British.  The week after was Italian week and we were challenged to make a homemade pizza. That was very familiar to me as I probably make two pizzas a month. Last week was another quintessentially British food – the Bedfordshire Clanger.

What is it you ask? A pastry that includes both a savory part and a sweet part. It was created so the miner’s could take them to work and have their meal in one handy piece. They are not that hard to make and the fillings can be classic or you can improvise like I did.

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Bedforshire Clanger

Bedforshire Clanger

Serves 2

For the pastry

  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 TBS cold, unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup lard or shortening, cold
  • 3 -4 TBS ice water

For the Pork Filling

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  • 1 6 oz boneless pork chop, diced
  • 1/4 cup corn
  • 1/2 cup broccoli and cauliflower, chopped
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Herbes de Provence

For the Filling – Sweet

  • 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries or strawberries – if using strawberries quarter them
  • 2 TBS sugar
  • 2 TBS all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp butter

1 egg for an egg wash

Make the pie crust

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  • Mix the flour and salt together in a medium bowl.
  • Add the cold butter and lard/shortening and cut in with a pastry blender or two knives until it looks like small peas.
  • Add three tablespoons of the ice water and stir with a fork just until combined. If you need to add more water do so a little at a time. You do not want the dough to be too wet.
  • Bring the dough together on a lightly floured counter and knead gently. Form into a disc and wrap in plastic or wax paper.
  • Refrigerate for about an hour.

Make the Filling

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

  • Heat a heavy bottomed saute pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil.
  • Add in the diced pork and let sit for about a minute then stir.
  • Stir in the corn and broccoli. Add the salt and Herbes de Provence. Heat through.
  • Remove from heat and set aside.
  • Preheat oven to 400°. If you have a pizza stone it will make the bottom crust nice and crisp. Preheat it at the same time.

Make the pie filling

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

  • Add the fruit to a small bowl. Stir in the sugar and flour. Set aside

To Build the Clanger

  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Cut it in half.
  • Take one half and roll it into a rectangle about 12″ x 10″ trimming the edges so they are even. Save the trimmings to make the dam.
  • Mix the egg with a bit of water. Brush upper third of the dough with some of the egg wash.


Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

  • Add half of the pork filling to one side of the dough, leaving about an inch open on the left.
  • Using the trimmings dam off the pork side from the berry side. See the photo. Be sure to use the egg wash as needed to seal the pieces to the bottom and to each other so it doesn’t leak. Take it around the sides as shown.
  • Add the fruit to the other side, leaving about an inch free on the right. Add the butter to the top.

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

  • Take the dough from the top side and bring it towards the fillings. Bring the bottom up and over. Fold the ends and pinch. Seal with a fork.
  • Press down at the point of the dam so as to mark the separation.
  • Cut steam vents in the top on both sides
  • Brush with egg wash.
  • Carefully move onto parchment paper and then onto the pizza stone.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 45 – 50 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

  • Let cool for about 10 minutes before serving or it can also be eaten at room temperature.

How Was the Bedfordshire Clanger?

The hubby and I had this for dinner the night I made them. I will be the first to admit that my recipe is nothing like the ones I found online. They were far heartier and I can understand why – they were feeding men who were working hard. These men were underground, hammering out coal so they needed a big meal. I wanted to make something a little bit lighter. Although how light can it be when you are eating something wrapped in pie pastry?

Bedfordshire Clanger, clanger, Great British Baking Show Bakealong

We didn’t eat it all in one sitting, that’s for sure. First we ate the savory part then had the sweet part several hours later. I will admit that it was mighty tasty. The pork, broccoli and corn was a yummy combo and it paired nicely with the flaky pastry. And seriously – who doesn’t love pie?

We both agreed that we really enjoyed them but that we shouldn’t eat them frequently.  They would be a great thing to take on a camping trip or road trip. I could bake them off, wrap in foil and go. They can be eaten at room temperature and if you watch the fillings they would hold for quite some time. Additionally they can be made ahead of time and frozen. So while not something I’ll make often I’m glad I’ve learned about them.

This week’s challenge is cream puffs so stay tuned….

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