Chicken with Morels and Shallots in a Mustard Sauce

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Twice a week I cook the low calorie meals for the hubby so it is really stretching my little cooking brain to keep coming up with dinners. I hate serving the same thing over and over again but I am somewhat limited in what I can do with 350 calories. I had made a pizza the night before and I had re-hydrated some morel mushrooms to put on that and I had some left over. I wanted to use them before they went bad so I built this meal around them. I used part of a Zaycon chicken breast – they are so delicious. We will have the rest of it tonight.

Chicken with Morels and Shallots in a Mustard Sauce

Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy from my link I might make a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay. See the full affiliate disclosure here.


Serves 1

3.5 ounces chicken breast meat
1/2 cup re-hydrated morel mushrooms, sliced. some liquid reserved
1/4 cup shallots, sliced
2 tsp dijon mustard
1 TBS rice wine vinegar
water if needed
salt and pepper

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1/2 cup prepared long grain brown rice
3.5 ounces snow peas

Heat a non-stick pan over med-high heat. Add the shallots and a bit of water. Let them cook until they start to brown slightly. Add the morels and 1 TBS of the liquid from re-hydrating them. Add a sprinkle of salt. Stir in the mustard and vinegar until well combined. Set aside.

Take the chicken breast and slice it into thin pieces. Pound them with the flat side of a meat mallet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat a non-stick pan over med-high heat. When it is hot add the chicken slices. Cook on each side for about 2 – 3 minutes.

While the chicken is cooking prepare the snow peas; mine were frozen from the garden so I just popped them in the microwave for about a minute. To plate you just put the 1/2 cup of hot brown rice down, add the chicken slices with the warm vegetable mixture on top.

He really enjoyed this one as it had a favorite flavor – mustard – and it had morels. He does love mushrooms. Hopefully we will be able to gather some this year as they always grow in a burned over area and there was a wildfire here last year. They dry beautifully so I can just pop them in my dehydrator.

Remember if you would like to try Zaycon  please use this link: to sign up –  I do get a small referral fee. They also sell burger, pork, ham (DIVINE) and a long list of tasty products. Check them out!

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