Classic Veal Piccata

plated veal piccata

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I was sent a package through Adriana’s Best Recipes back in April for a veal promotion. I was very excited to participate and then our contractor surprised us by starting about a month earlier on our kitchen remodel than he said he would. Getting a functional kitchen was very, very high on my priority list so I was not about to say no to this new schedule. It did preclude my participation in the Veal Cooking class so I am now giving you a recipe for Classic Veal Piccata.

I will also have a recipe later in the month using ground veal so stay tuned for that as well. I thank Adriana and for their understanding and patience. You can visit them at vealdiscoverdelicious on Instagram for more great recipes.

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Classic Veal Piccata (sans capers)

serves 2

For the Mashed Turnips:

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  • 1 bunch fresh turnips, trimmed, peeled and cut into small chunks
  • 1 TBSP butter
  • salt to taste
fresh turnips

Make the Mashed Turnips

boil turnips
  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  • Add the cut up turnips and cook until the turnips are soft, about 15 – 20 minutes.
mash turnips
  • Drain and return to the pot. Add the butter and mash until smooth

Make the Veal:

  • If your veal has not been pounded to thin slices, do that.
  • Mix the flour and salt.
  • Dredge the veal cutlets in the flour mixture and set aside.
pan fry veal
  • Heat the canola oil in a fry pan over medium heat. When hot add the veal and cook for 3 minutes, turn and cook for three minutes. Remove veal from pan and set aside.
deglaze the pan
  • Deglaze the pan with the white wine.
  • Add the chicken/vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and add the lemon juice. When the liquid has reduced by half taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
warm cutlets in sauce
  • Add the veal back into the pan to warm through. Sprinkle with dried or fresh parsley
plated veal piccata

How Was the Veal Piccata?

It’s hard to go wrong with this classic preparation. The simple pan fry and the tart lemon sauce are so good on many different proteins. It’s a method I use often if you follow the blog. I have made soft shell crabs piccata, tofu piccata, lobster piccata and more. Who knows what might get “piccata-ed” next. I just have trouble sometimes in spelling piccata….

Although in checking the Wiki piccata can be spelled either way – picatta or piccata so who knew? Maybe I am smarter than I think. Hahahaha. It is Italian for “to be pounded flat.” Or so the page says. It also tells me that the first known use of the word in regards to this meal was in 1949.

So there is your lesson for the day.

Oh, and why no capers? Simple! I don’t like them.

Mashed Turnips

As I noted we found the turnips at the Farmer’s Market after my goat yoga. I will have a full report on that experience later in the week.

When I can move again….

I do love turnips and haven’t had any in a while so these were a delicious treat. Hopefully there will be more in the future. But of course for anyone that does not like them, make potatoes.

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