Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup – Freezer to Table in 30 Minutes

Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup, 30 minute chicken soup, freezer to table meal, freezer to table chicken soup, recipe, electric pressure cooker recipe

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I have to admit that I love having an electric pressure cooker (also known as the InstantPot) available for cooking rice and quick meals. I set out to learn how to use an electric pressure cooker by making a shoulder roast and lots and lots of rice – especially my honey tumeric rice. I do admit it does make the best rice I have ever had. But I knew I had to expand beyond rice so I’ve started using it for other things. I’ve learned that it’s great for cooking the stuffed cabbage that I pack up for the freezer. I just pop it in frozen solid and 15 minutes later I have a completely cooked dinner ready to serve. Now I was ready to try something new. I hadn’t pulled anything out for dinner and I was in the mood for soup so I thought I’d try some electric pressure cooker chicken soup.


instant pot chicken soup


Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup

Serves 4 – 6

1 lb chicken breasts, frozen
1 lb Yukon gold potatoes, preferably organic
8 oz frozen carrots
8 oz frozen corn
4 cups chicken stock, preferably organic
2 TBS herbes de Provence
I clove garlic, minced
2 tsp salt

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  • Peel and cut the potatoes into bite sized chunks.

Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup, 30 minute chicken soup, freezer to table meal, freezer to table chicken soup, recipe, electric pressure cooker recipe

Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup, 30 minute chicken soup, freezer to table meal, freezer to table chicken soup, recipe, electric pressure cooker recipe

  • After the cooker has finished cooking release the pressure and take off the lid.
  • Remove about a 2 cups of liquid and heat with the cornstarch in a small pot until it thickens.
    Add the thickened broth back into the soup and mix well.
  • Remove the chicken breasts and cut or shred into bite sized pieces.
  • Return to the soup.
  • Stir to mix.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary

How Was the Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup?

First I have to note that I am constantly amazed at how quickly the electric pressure cooker gets things cooked. It’s like magic – even though I know it’s not. As for this soup – it was pretty tasty. Simple, yes – but that was exactly what I was looking for that night. I didn’t want anything very fancy. I just wanted a comforting bowl of soup.

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Electric Pressure Cooker Chicken Soup, 30 minute chicken soup, freezer to table meal, freezer to table chicken soup, recipe, electric pressure cooker recipe

It was filling and full of our garden grown vegetables. I served it with homemade crackers. Homemade bagels would also be a wonderful accompaniment. It was a perfect meal for a cold and snowy evening. And I just loved that I could throw it all together and have it on the table in half an hour. I wish these things had been around when I was working – whew, would it have made life easier!


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