From the Garden: Thai Spiced Pickled Beets

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It’s that time of year people.
The garden keeps giving.
The other day it gave me 65lbs of beets.

I was ready to jump in the river thrilled. I personally hate beets but the hubby loves them. I canned some and I pickled some. I decided to play around with my pickling recipe. Remember these?

Available at Whole Foods!!!

The new Thai Kitchen Galangal Ginger and Kaffir Lime Leaves. I thought they would make a very interesting start to pickled beets. So here you go – Thai Spiced Pickled Beets.

First I had to get the beets ready. Oh how I want to commit hari-kari when I think about  love to peel beets. They have to be washed, trimmed and boiled first. Then dumped into a sink of cold water. Then the peels should rub right off.

Don’t always.
But onward.

Once they are prepared I must admit they do look pretty.

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Like jewels.
Shame they taste like dirt.
Ooops, did I type that?

OK – prepare you jars for water bath canning. I put these in pints.

Into a non-reactive pot went two cups of white vinegar, one cup of water and a cup of sugar.

I brought this to a boil and let it simmer.

Then into each jar went:  some of the galangal ginger, a couple of the kaffir lime leaves, a bit of star anise, some coriander seeds, cardamom seeds, whole allspice and pickling salt. No, I don’t know how much. I don’t measure. I know I should but I don’t. I just sprinkled them in.

Doesn’t that look like a work of art?

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Then I quartered the beets and shoved them in. 
Shoved them in good.

Then the hot vinegar mixture went in and I made sure there weren’t any air pockets and shoved those %$*&^$ beets back in the jar.

Then I used my Tattler Reuseable Canning Lids. They get warmed in hot water. The band goes around the bottom of the lid.

Then the lid goes on the jar.

The jars go into the water bath canner. Once it hits boiling they process for 10 minutes. I did 15 ’cause I’m at 3,000ft.

I won’t know how they taste for 6 months!
The joys of pickling!

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You can find Thai Kitchen on their website.

Disclosure:  I received a box o’fun from Thai Kitchen. Any opinions expressed are my honest opinions and were not impacted by my receipt of the free products. I received no monetary compensation for this post.

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