Homemade Gnocchi with Fresh Tomato Sauce

gnocchi in tomato sauce on a green plate

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If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you know I have been busy in the kitchen lately. I made a big batch of pierogies to freeze and the same with gnocchi. There was also a Challah-day and a big batch of oatmeal craisin cookies.

But I am happiest when I am in my kitchen. Even if Fang is not.

I took some of those gnocchi I made the other day and we had them for dinner with a quick, fresh tomato sauce. It made for an easy and delicious dinner.

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Gnocchi with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Serves 2

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Parmesan cheese for grating if desired

Make the Sauce:

  • Peel the tomatoes and chop into small dice.
  • Heat the olive oil in a fry pan until hot, add the garlic and swirl, stirring to keep from burning.
  • Add the tomatoes and let them cook until they get very soft and start to break down.
  • Add the balsamic vinegar, stir, smashing the tomatoes to form a sauce. Stir in the herbs.
  • Taste and season with salt.
  • Let simmer to thicken.

Cook the Gnocchi:

  • Heat a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  • Add the gnocchi and cook until they float to the surface.
  • Remove the gnocchi as they float to the top and place in the tomato sauce to coat.

Serve with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

gnocchi in tomato sauce on a green plate

How Were the Homemade Gnocchi with Fresh Tomato Sauce?

Really, really delicious. I’d forgotten how good gnocchi could be as it’s been a while since I’d had them. They were well worth the effort of making and I’m very glad I have more in the freezer.

I will admit that the process of making them in bulk is a bit of a pain in the tail but I am always so very happy to just be able to go out into the deep freezer and pull out a box to make for dinner. Then I appreciate the time spent in the kitchen and the efforts made to put them by.

I will note that the recipe I link to above used a ricer to make the gnocchi – this time I had an overload of mashed potatoes so I started with them and the gnocchi came out just as tasty.

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