The Best Tips for Getting Ready for Black Friday

How to Prepare for Black Friday

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Will you be doing any shopping on Black Friday? If so, you may want to take some time to figure out exactly how to prepare for Black Friday shopping. Shopping on the day after Thanksgiving is quite a bit different than shopping at any other time of the year. When you prepare for Black Friday, you will give yourself a one up over the shoppers who have not prepared.

Set a shopping budget – Before you even think about shopping Black Friday or even making your shopping list, you need to know exactly how much money you can spend. Make your shopping budget out in a total amount you can spend. Then seperate that amount out per person.

View the ad previews early – Black Friday ad previews begin popping up around mid-October. Make sure you’re viewing them. This will allow you to have a heads up to know exactly what you’re shopping for.

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Map out your trip – If you will be shopping multiple stores on Black Friday, go to Google Maps and figure out the most effective way to get from one store to the next. In other words, create an efficient line from store to store so you can minimize the time you are driving between shopping.

Know exactly what you are shopping for – I’ve already mentioned knowing what you’re shopping for, but this includes breaking it down by each store. If you know that you’re going into Walmart for one item only, but Target for two others, you won’t feel the need to waste time at Walmart looking for an item you are not purchasing there.

Get to the store early – Most stores open Black Friday deals around 3 am on Black Friday. For your first store, make sure you get there early. The earlier you get to that first store, the closer to the beginning of the line. The closer to the beginning of the line you are, the better chance you stand at getting your items.

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Skip big ticket items – Finally, don’t fall into the trap of trying to get a big ticket item such as a tv on Black Friday. Most stores only receive 2-3 per store. If you are not the first couple of people in line, you will waste time trying to get what is already out of stock.

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