White Chocolate Caramel Filled Snowflake Candy Recipe

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We are expecting an ice storm today. We aren’t expecting much snow, but I thought this would be the perfect day to post this simple snowflake candy recipe. Today’s recipe is White Chocolate Caramel Filled Snowflake Candy. I do promise that this is easy because it’s only TWO ingredients!

snowflake candy

Snow is pretty, I feel. I don’t like to drive on it, but since I work from home that isn’t a huge problem. Now, ice, I do NOT like at all. It causes power outages and all types of problems. I want no part of the weather that is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

I hear that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today. Oh, my! I don’t want 6 more weeks of winter. Calgon take me away :) All well, let’s get on to the Snowflake Candy.

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White Chocolate Caramel Filled Snowflake Candy

snowflake candy

Ingredients and supplies needed for White Chocolate Caramel Filled Snowflake Candy

Here are the process pictures. I don’t want you to have to print these unless you want to do so:

snowflake candy

I hope you enjoy these sweet treats! It will be convenient to keep the white chocolate and caramels on hand for wintertime weather. That way you can make these with your kids while school is out :) I just hope your wintertime weather isn’t ICE and is snow.

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A hot chocolate bomb would be PERFECT for winter weather! Be sure and check out my latest recipe for Valentine hot chocolate bombs.

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