Strawberry Recipe – Strawberry Lemonade Sorbet

strawberry lemonade sorbet

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Strawberry harvest is my favorite time of year on the farm. The arrival of the first ripe berries tell me that summer is truly here. Some years are very bountiful, others give us enough to make my annual strawberry pie, make some jam and eat them until the blackberries start coming in. When they are plenty I freeze strawberries so I have them to use all winter long. I wanted to try a strawberry recipe for sorbet and I decided to make it like a traditional summer drink – strawberry lemonade.

I had read somewhere that adding corn syrup to sorbets would make them smoother and less likely to crystallize. I didn’t want to add corn syrup so I got to thinking and decided to try adding honey thinking that it had a similar constancy.  I’m happy to report that it worked! There is no underlying honey flavor yet the sorbet is very smooth with no ice crystals. Hooray!

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strawberry lemonade sorbet, strawberry recipe

Strawberry Lemonade Sorbet

Makes enough for a 1 quart Ice Cream Machine

4 1/2 cups strawberries, hulled and cut into chunks
juice of two lemons
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup water
1/4 cup honey
zest of one lemon

Add all of the ingredients to a large pot or glass bowl. Stir until the honey and sugar dissolve. Blend with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don’t have an immersion blender puree in a blender in small batches until you have a smooth, lump free liquid.  Chill for at least an hour. Add to your ice cream maker and process per its instructions.

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When it has finished the cycle place the sorbet in a freezer safe container and freeze until solid.

How Was the Strawberry Recipe?

As you can read this was simple to make. The hardest part was hulling the strawberries! We had some last night and really enjoyed it. As I mentioned above, it has strong, bright flavors with both the strawberry and lemon coming through. I’m going to try this using some of the cherries I have been pitting. It’s a perfect treat on a hot summer day!

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