Take Your Coleslaw To The Next Level: Luau Coleslaw Recipe

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Ello, folks! As most of you know I enjoy sharing recipes but most of all I adore sharing things that are just a bit over the top or different. I love Cole Slaw and today I wanted to share with you an amazing Luau Cole Slaw Recipe made with pineapple. Believe it or not, pineapple is amazing in Coleslaw and something you might not think would work, oh, but it does.

No matter if you are just cooking for the family or having a fun get together with neighbors this will be a hit, I promise. Not only that but it is easy to make and just amazing to eat (share only if you want, but I think you will just dig into this yourself..lol)


How To Make Luau Cole Slaw

Like I said this is super simple and you can find a full printable recipe below so that you can keep this for years to come. The first thing that you need to do is mix all the ingredients together for the sauce. Which include 1 cup mayonnaise1 1/2 Tbsp. honey1 1/2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar and 1/4 cup pineapple juice.

Cook your bacon until done and crumble. You will also want to cut your Pineapple into chunks. In a large bowl add your coleslaw mix, carrots, broccoli slaw, pineapple, and bacon.

Lastly, pour on that coleslaw mix and sir!

It’s really as simple as that and I do think that this is a great addition to any cook out or get together. Happy Cooking

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Luau Coleslaw

YIELD: 4-6

PREP TIME 10 minutes

COOK TIME 15 minutes

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TOTAL TIME 25 minutes


  • 1 14 oz. package cole slaw mix
  • 1 cup broccoli slaw
  • 1 cup shredded matchstick carrots
  • 1/4 cup cooked bacon
  • 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
  • Green onions for garnish


  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. honey
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup pineapple juice


  1. In a small bowl mix all ingredients for the sauce until well combined
  2. Cook your bacon until done and crumble
  3. In a large bowl add your cole slaw mix, carrots, broccoli slaw, pineapple, and bacon.
  4. Stir to combine
  5. Pour your sauce over the slaw mix and toss to combine.
  6. Garnish and enjoy!

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