Happy Family Checklist Printable

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Ello, everyone! I hope that you all are having a wonderful week so far? Today I wanted to share with you a, Happy Family Checklist.

happy family

During this time when everyone is together it is really the best time to take time out to be with family and enjoy their company.

This little checklist is a great way to remind yourself and your family of what is important. Our family is trying to make the best of the situation as we are actually in Delaware helping withe a family member who had a stroke.

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This has also given us time to spend with our grandchild, Roman, and reminding us that family always comes first.

Not only do I want to share our own personal Happy Family Check list but I also want you to make your own!

I have included a PDF of a blank checklist so that you and your family can do a little activity putting your own together.

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happy family

What is important to your family?….and what makes your family happy?

I truly believe that every family is a happy family in their own ways. That is why it is so important during these hard times to spend time with one another.

happy family

Have fun and most of all give each other a ton of love.

I do hope that you make your own happy family checklist and see if my check list is perfect for your family. Enjoy and most of all stay safe :)

Download the happy family checklist here.

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