Lemon Drizzle Cake – A Lovely, Light Lemon Cake Recipe

drizzle for lemon drizzle cake

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The Great British Bake Off Bakealong has started another round of fun baking challenges. I have enjoyed baking along with this group and making things like Jaffa Cakes and Steamed Pudding for the first time. It has also given me my all time favorite pastry, the couronne; I’ve made several variations and am looking forward to coming up with others. I thank Laura at Little House Big Alaska for starting this fun challenge and for coming up with this recipe.


Lemon Drizzle cake

Lemon Drizzle Cake

serves 12 – 16

  • 1 cup (225 grams) softened butter
  • 1 1/8 cup (225 grams) granulated sugar
  • 2 1/4 cups (275 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder*
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, optional if you used unsalted butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup (4 Tablespoons) milk
  • zest of two lemons, save the lemons for juicing


  • juice of two lemons, OR roughly 6 Tablespoons 
  • 14 Tablespoons (175 grams) granulated sugar
  • preheat the oven to 350?
  • lightly butter a 9×12 baking tray, line it with parchment paper, leave the ends to stick out each side, set aside

add everything at once to bowl of stand mixer

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  • put everything for the cake in the bowl of a stand mixer, mix to combine for 30 seconds (I know this goes against every cake recipe instruction you have ever seen but it works)
  • stop to scrape down the sides
  • mix again just to combine
  • once combined mix on medium for 2 minutes

add batter to pan

  • scrape into prepared pan and smooth it out
  • bake for 30-35 minutes or until it’s lightly browned and pulling away from the edges of the pan
  • while it’s baking juice the lemons and add enough of the granulated sugar to make a glaze
  • when the cake is done let it rest in the pan 5 minutes then lift it out to a cool rack

drizzle for lemon drizzle cake

  • mix up the glaze one more time, (the sugar won’t really dissolve completely see notes in the post about it), and spoon it over the cake
  • spreading it to the edges of the cake as you go

lemon drizzle cake

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  • cool, slice into 12 or 16 pieces and serve

How Was the Lemon Cake?

This is a remarkably light lemon cake that is lovely with a cup of coffee or tea. It’s not overly lemony so you don’t have to worry about it being super puckery.

slice of lemon cake

We have been enjoying it after dinner as it is such a light dessert. I do enjoy the bake along and the challenges. If you would like to join in there is no pressure, you don’t have to participate and you will find a lot of baking support in the Facebook Group.

More Lemon Desserts

Lemon is the hubby’s favorite dessert flavor so I try to make him lemon desserts when I can. Some of his favorites have been a strawberry lemon tart and simple lemon sugar cookies. It’s a flavor I use a lot on both the savory and sweet side.

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