Summer Dog Safety: Keep Man’s Best Friend Safe This Summer

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Summer is just around the corner, and that means more time outside for man’s best friend. This can be a wonderful thing for dogs as they get to spend more time in their natural habitat. However, it also means an increased risk of injury or worse if precautions are not taken. In this blog post, we will discuss some safety guidelines to help keep your dog safe this summer!

Consider A Fence

Fences can be an excellent safety precaution. For example, if there are stairs or a pool nearby that your dog could easily jump into, having a fence will help to keep them out and discourage climbing over the barrier. A basic chain-link type of fencing is relatively inexpensive and can provide peace of mind for you while you let your dog roam more freely in their natural habitat this summer!

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It is important to be aware of your dog’s natural instincts. Dog breeds such as hunting dogs have a strong instinct to chase small animals like squirrels and chipmunks. If there are any pets or wildlife nearby make sure they know not to chase them! For homes with yards without fences consider getting an invisible fence.

Summer dog safety parasites

Parasites and Health Worries

– Fleas

– Worms

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– Ticks and Lyme Disease

Flea, tick, and worm infestations can be a major problem for pets during the warmer months. Pets with fleas are more vulnerable to catching tapeworms from ingesting flea eggs in their environment or when grooming themselves. There is always a fair amount of fecal material left behind after snowmelt and much of it contains parasites, bacteria, and even viruses such as parvovirus.

It is best not to frequent areas where dogs are common. Even if your dog does not eat feces from other dogs he, or she, can ingest parasites simply by walking around, getting them on their paws, then licking their paws. Never take a dog for a walk until it is fully vaccinated.

Wildlife Encounter

Taking your dog for a walk in the woods is an adventure to remember! But it can also be dangerous if you don’t take precautions. Animals such as bears, coyotes, and foxes are active during this time of year so keep your dog on a leash at all times even when exploring new territory.

Other Pets and Animals

In the summer more people let their pets out of the house. Cats are free roaming in most areas and can be a concern if your dog has a high prey drive. The danger to your dog is that if the dog attacks an animal such as a cat while the cat is on its own property, you could be facing a lawsuit. The same would apply if your dog should go after a calf.

Plant and Flower Safety For Your Dog

Be aware of the dangers that wildflowers and bulbs pose to your dog. If they eat the wrong bulb or flower, it can cause a stomach ache. The most common flowers are tulips, daffodils, lilies, and iris plants which should be avoided if you have a pet at home.

Exercise and Socialization

A tired dog is a good dog. A Dog that doesn’t get enough exercise or socialization can become irritable, depressed, or aggressive. Make sure you have lots of room for your pet to play outside in the summertime when they want company as well as space to run free.

You may be thinking about taking them hiking with you this summer – but it’s not always a great idea. Hiking trails will often contain venomous snakes, stinging insects like bees and wasps which could really hurt your pup if their paws are exposed on the ground! And let’s not forget ticks: If an animal has been out exploring then there’s a chance of coming into contact with these bugs too.

Heat Safety For Your Dog

Dogs can also overheat if they are left in the car. This is why it’s important to never leave them inside a hot vehicle for even just a few minutes. If you know your dog will be spending time outside, make sure that they have access to plenty of fresh water and shade so that they don’t get too warm or dehydrated.

You should know that hot pavement can burn your dog’s paws. It is important to keep an eye on them when they are walking or running around outside and make sure not to let them stay out for too long if there is no shade available.

In Conclusion, your dog’s safety in the summer is dependent upon you. Please do your best! Most importantly, keep them cool have fresh water and food available. Don’t take on the responsibility of a dog if you can’t follow through. And remember: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” We hope this helps! Thank You!

Check out these great Dog Safety Products:

GPS Tracking Device For Pets

Reflective Dog Collars &Leash Sets

For other dog safety tips, check out my dog Halloween safety tips for man’s best friend.

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