Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce

gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD

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I will admit that I do not have any issues with gluten. I do know that it can be a really big problem for people. Many products are being produced gluten free to allow people to enjoy favorites like pasta, bread, cookies and cakes. I was curious as to how they tasted so when Cybele offered to send me samples of their gluten free pasta made from vegetables. I was eager to give them a try.

gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD

The company sent me sample bags of three flavors and coupons for two full bags.  I cooked the green lentil, cauliflower and parsnip and the red lentil, beet, sweet potato and carrot pastas for the dish I made for the hubby. I tasted the Cybele Vegetable pastas plain before I made his dinner – they were different than flour based. They were very tasty, just a different texture. I can’t say that if I tried the two flavors in a blind taste test that I could tell them apart. They tasted pretty much the same to me but it did make for a pretty presentation with the two colors of pasta.

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gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD


Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce

Serves 2

2 6 oz fillets of salmon
4 tsp olive oil, divided
salt and pepper
4 cups fresh spinach
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 TBS balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
2 cups cooked gluten free pasta – or regular pasta
2 cups fresh tomato sauce or jarred

gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD

Cook your pasta according to package directions, set aside
Heat 2 tsp of olive oil in a saute pan over med high heat. Add the onions and saute until they start to sweat.

gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD
Add the spinach and cook until it is wilted. Stir in balsamic vinegar, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Heat the sauce and keep warm
Heat a cast iron or other heavy duty pan over medium high heat. When hot add the remaining two tsp olive oil.
Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Cook, skin side up for two to four minutes depending on the thickness of your fillets.
Flip and cook until done – two to four more minutes.

gluten free pasta, Cybele Pasta, Salmon on Gluten Free Pasta with Spinach and Fresh Tomato Sauce, AD
To serve – put some sauce on the bottom of the plate, add half of the spinach, half of the past. Top with a piece of salmon and some sauce.

How Was It?

This was all for the hubby. I don’t eat spinach or salmon. He said he loved it so that is all that matters to me. The gluten free pasta was a positive for him too. He agreed with me about the texture but he also agreed with me that he’d happily eat the Cybele Vegetable Pasta again.

Learn more about Cybele Free to Eat

Other Salmon Recipes:

Salmon with Eggplant Pesto

Salmon with Fig Balsamic and Blackberry Sauce

Salmon with Honey Lemon Vinaigrette

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