350 10th Grade Spelling Words For School And Home!

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Looking for a big list of spelling words for 10th grade? Here are 350 spelling words, a bunch of challenge words, and fun activities!

Have you been looking for the best spelling words for your 10th graders? Have no fear! I’ve got the best list for you.

These words are perfect for spelling activities, spelling tests, spelling bees, and worksheets. I’ve also added a bunch of 11th grade difficult words to challenge even your brightest tenth grader.

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I hope you like having one giant list like this. If you’d rather have the list separated into weekly spelling lists, let me know. I’m happy to do whatever will be more helpful!

I’ve also typed lists of 7th grade spelling words, 9th grade spelling words, and 12th grade spelling words. I hope you find them helpful too!

I’ve also written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, attention grabbers, classroom reward party ideas, and classroom names.

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A closeup of a whole bunch of very bright cubes with letters on them.

10th Grade Spelling Words List

Here is a giant list of spelling words for 10th graders.

  1. abalone
  2. aberrant
  3. abnormal
  4. absenteeism
  5. absolute
  6. accelerator
  7. accentuate
  8. adage
  9. adept
  10. affront
  11. agog
  12. allay
  13. allure
  14. amorphous
  15. ampere
  16. amphitheater
  17. anachronistic
  18. analogous
  19. anathema
  20. animation
  21. annihilate
  22. annul
  23. anonymous
  24. apex
  25. apocryphal
  26. appalling
  27. appropriation
  28. arboreal
  29. arcana
  30. artisan
  31. assertive
  32. assess
  33. assiduous
  34. atrophy
  35. attenuate
  36. auditory
  37. auspices
  38. automation
  39. autonomous
  40. axiom
  41. ballyhoo
  42. banality
  43. banter
  44. bauble
  45. beguiled
  46. beguiling
  47. belated
  48. belvedere
  49. benefactor
  50. benevolent
  51. betroth
  52. bevy
  53. bicuspid
  54. biennial
  55. blatant
  56. bogus
  57. boisterous
  58. bolster
  59. brandish
  60. bravura
  61. buttress
  62. cacophony
  63. callous
  64. cancellation
  65. canine
  66. capillary
  67. carcinogen
  68. carnivorous
  69. cervine
  70. chagrin
  71. chauffer
  72. chronic
  73. clientele
  74. colleague
  75. colloquial
  76. comestible
  77. commensurate
  78. compile
  79. complement
  80. component
  81. concept
  82. concierge
  83. conclusive
  84. confounded
  85. consolidate
  86. consultant
  87. contemplate
  88. contemporaneous
  89. conveyance
  90. convivial
  91. convulsion
  92. corollary
  93. cosmic
  94. courier
  95. credibility
  96. creditor
  97. crucial
  98. cryptic
  99. cumbrous
  100. cumulative
  101. curtail
  102. cynical
  103. daunted
  104. debutante
  105. default
  106. deficient
  107. deity
  108. delineate
  109. delve
  110. demolition
  111. demure
  112. denigrate
  113. dependent
  114. depreciate
  115. designate
  116. despondent
  117. despotism
  118. deteriorate
  119. devastate
  120. dialect
  121. dialogue
  122. dilemma
  123. diligent
  124. disconcert
  125. discretion
  126. disenfranchise
  127. disgruntle
  128. disintegrate
  129. dispel
  130. dispense
  131. displacement
  132. dissection
  133. diverse
  134. dormant
  135. dote
  136. dramatic
  137. eccentric
  138. echelon
  139. eclectic
  140. eligible
  141. elongate
  142. eloquent
  143. emancipate
  144. embellish
  145. emboss
  146. embryo
  147. emigrant
  148. emit
  149. encyclical
  150. enhance
  151. enlighten
  152. ensemble
  153. enthrall
  154. enumerate
  155. enunciate
  156. epic
  157. equilibrium
  158. eradicate
  159. esteem
  160. evaluate
  161. exasperate
  162. exploit
  163. expressly
  164. fallacious
  165. feign
  166. ferret
  167. fictitious
  168. filibuster
  169. finale
  170. flaunt
  171. formulate
  172. forum
  173. fraught
  174. frivolous
  175. frugal
  176. frustrate
  177. fungible
  178. futile
  179. gaseous
  180. gazetteer
  181. gazpacho
  182. generalization
  183. genteel
  184. germinate
  185. gimmicky
  186. girth
  187. glaze
  188. glean
  189. glib
  190. glutton
  191. gore
  192. granulates
  193. gratify
  194. grotesque
  195. grovel
  196. hapless
  197. havoc
  198. helpless
  199. heritage
  200. hoax
  201. horticulture
  202. hove
  203. humdrum
  204. humiliate
  205. humility
  206. hybrid
  207. hypocrite
  208. hysteria
  209. idiom
  210. ignominy
  211. illegitimate
  212. illustrious
  213. impartial
  214. impeach
  215. imperative
  216. imperial
  217. impersonal
  218. impertinent
  219. imperturbable
  220. inaccessible
  221. incandescent
  222. incision
  223. inclusive
  224. incontrovertible
  225. incorporate
  226. incredulously
  227. incriminate
  228. indisposed
  229. indomitable
  230. induce
  231. inducement
  232. inert
  233. inevitable
  234. infidel
  235. inkling
  236. innacle
  237. inquisitive
  238. insufferable
  239. intolerant
  240. intransigence
  241. intuition
  242. invertebrate
  243. invincile
  244. invoke
  245. ire
  246. irony
  247. jargon
  248. journal
  249. kefir
  250. knickknack
  251. kuchen
  252. largesse
  253. lateral
  254. lederhosen
  255. legacy
  256. lieutenant
  257. likelihood
  258. linear
  259. lintel
  260. liquidate
  261. listless
  262. magnitude
  263. malady
  264. manipulate
  265. martial
  266. maternal
  267. mauled
  268. mediocre
  269. medley
  270. mire
  271. misconception
  272. modicum
  273. momentum
  274. morale
  275. morbid
  276. mutation
  277. myrrh
  278. narcissus
  279. narcotic
  280. neckerchief
  281. neophyte
  282. neurosis
  283. nucleus
  284. nunnery
  285. obdurate
  286. obituary
  287. objectivity
  288. oblivion
  289. obnoxious
  290. obscene
  291. obstetrician
  292. obtuse
  293. occurred
  294. omitted
  295. opacity
  296. opaque
  297. opaqueness
  298. operetta
  299. oratory
  300. ordinance
  301. organic
  302. organism
  303. overture
  304. oxymoron
  305. parables
  306. parallelogram
  307. parochial
  308. parry
  309. passive
  310. patronize
  311. patronize
  312. pegmatite
  313. pejorative
  314. pensive
  315. penumbra
  316. perception
  317. perfunctory
  318. permanent
  319. perseverance
  320. personnel
  321. perspective
  322. pertinacious
  323. pertinent
  324. pigment
  325. piscatorial
  326. plausible
  327. poultice
  328. rampageous
  329. recalcitrant
  330. restaurateur
  331. reticular
  332. sacrilegious
  333. satire
  334. sauerbraten
  335. sobriquet
  336. surreptitiously
  337. sycophantic
  338. temperament
  339. thievery
  340. tremolo
  341. trichinosis
  342. tripartite
  343. troika
  344. turducken
  345. unconscionable
  346. unnecessary
  347. unpronounceable
  348. virulent
  349. vociferous
  350. zoophyte
Orange, red, light blue, dark blue, green, and pink letters are arranged in a heart shape on a white background.

10th Grade Challenge Words

Here are a bunch of spelling words to challenge your students!

  1. nepotism
  2. candor
  3. pedestrain
  4. rebuke
  5. exonerate
  6. plebeian
  7. burlesque
  8. patrician
  9. acquiesce
  10. scrupulous
  11. kinetic
  12. ostentatious
  13. edify
  14. penchant
  15. finesse
  16. expedite
  17. hyperbole
  18. circumspect
  19. intrinsic
  20. docile
  21. innate
  22. clemency
  23. fidelity
  24. pivotal
  25. incisive
  26. incense
  27. hiatus
  28. pedantic
  29. impetuous
  30. eminent
  31. severance
  32. alacrity
  33. blithe
  34. paltry
  35. exacerbate
  36. abnegate
  37. acumen
  38. polarize
  39. renounce
  40. evanescent
  41. cadence
  42. catholic
  43. sardonic
  44. insurgent
  45. affinity
  46. egocentric
  47. salutary
  48. officious
  49. deleterious
  50. reprove
  51. covert
  52. admonish
  53. adherent
  54. abash
  55. heyday
  56. faction
  57. criterion
  58. banal
  59. accolade
  60. agnostic
  61. impeccable
  62. relinquish
  63. gregarious
  64. indignant
  65. dissipate
  66. concurrent
  67. facetious
  68. milieu
  69. loquacious
  70. aggregate
  71. inane
  72. cajole
  73. conjure

10th Grade Spelling Activities

Here are 14 fun activities for your tenth graders! They will love doing these different activities.

  1. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  2. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words! You could also have students make up their own word scrambles!
  3. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  4. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.
  5. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of them. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  6. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  7. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  8. Fun Letters: Have the students write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  9. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword word puzzles for the spelling words. They’ll love it!
  10. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  11. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  12. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  13. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.
  14. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling games online your kids can do to practice too!
Alphabet Crackers are spread out in order with a dark green background.


What are some 10th grade words?

Organism, parallelogram, ignominy, overture, idiom, hybrid, parables, oxymoron, parochial, hypocrite, hysteria, and illegitimate are a few 10th grade words.

What words are common misspelled 10th grade?

Ire, knickknack, irony, largesse, jargon, lateral, journal, kefir, kuchen, and lederhosen are a few commonly misspelled 10th grade words.

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Final Thoughts On 10th Grade Spelling List Words:

I hope you like this spelling word list and different ways to help your students practice! Let me know what you think in the comments!

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