400 12th Grade Spelling Words For Home And School!

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Looking for a big list of spelling words for 12th grade? Here are 400 spelling words, a bunch of challenge words, and fun activities!

Are you been looking for the best spelling words for your 12th graders? Here it is! I’ve got the best list for you. These words are perfect for spelling activities, worksheets, spelling tests, and even spelling bees.

Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to separate the giant list of spelling words. I could make them into weekly spelling word lists! I’m happy to do whatever will be more helpful for you and your twelfth graders.

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I can also come up with a list of difficult words you could use to challenge your 12th grade students.

I’ve also typed lists of 7th grade spelling words, 9th grade spelling words, and 10th grade spelling words. I hope you find them helpful too!

I’ve also written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, classroom reward party ideas, attention grabbers, and classroom names.

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Colorful letter tiles on a blue background.

12th Grade Spelling Words List

  1. abbreviate
  2. abdicate
  3. abrasive
  4. absorb
  5. absorbed
  6. abstinence
  7. abusive
  8. academic
  9. accelerate
  10. accessible
  11. accessory
  12. accomplice
  13. acknowledge
  14. addiction
  15. administration
  16. adolescence
  17. adulation
  18. adversary
  19. adversity
  20. aesthetic
  21. affidavit
  22. affiliation
  23. aggressor
  24. alias
  25. alimony
  26. allegiance
  27. alleviate
  28. alloy
  29. altercation
  30. amicable
  31. ammunition
  32. amnesia
  33. amnesty
  34. amoral
  35. anachronism
  36. anachronistic
  37. analogy
  38. anecdote
  39. anemia
  40. anesthetic
  41. anguish
  42. animosity
  43. annex
  44. anonymity
  45. anonymous
  46. antagonist
  47. antagonistic
  48. anthropologist
  49. antics
  50. antidote
  51. antiquated
  52. antiseptic
  53. apocalyptic
  54. apparatus
  55. appendix
  56. application
  57. apposite
  58. apprehend
  59. appreiate
  60. appropriate
  61. aptitude
  62. arbitrary
  63. aribtrator
  64. arid
  65. articulated
  66. artifact
  67. ascertain
  68. asinine
  69. assessment
  70. assiduous
  71. assuage
  72. assumption
  73. asteroid
  74. astronomical
  75. astute
  76. asylum
  77. atone
  78. attribute
  79. audacity
  80. auditorium
  81. augment
  82. autopsy
  83. auxiliary
  84. avalanche
  85. avenge
  86. aversion
  87. beam
  88. bediam
  89. begrudge
  90. benefactor
  91. beneficial
  92. beneficiary
  93. benevolent
  94. bersek
  95. bestow
  96. betray
  97. bizarre
  98. blasphemy
  99. blighted
  100. bluff
  101. bogus
  102. boorish
  103. bourgeois
  104. bravado
  105. brittle
  106. brochure
  107. buffet
  108. bureaucracy
  109. burly
  110. calculated
  111. callous
  112. camaraderie
  113. camouflage
  114. candor
  115. caprice
  116. cardiologist
  117. casualty
  118. catalyst
  119. catastrophe
  120. cavalier
  121. celbrated
  122. censure
  123. cerebral
  124. champion
  125. chaotic
  126. charisma
  127. charlatan
  128. chauvinist
  129. chimpanzee
  130. chronicler
  131. circuitous
  132. circuitous
  133. clairvoyant
  134. clasp
  135. clientele
  136. cloistered
  137. clout
  138. coalition
  139. coercion
  140. cogitate
  141. coincidence
  142. collaborate
  143. collateral
  144. comatose
  145. commemorate
  146. communal
  147. commute
  148. compassion
  149. compatible
  150. compelling
  151. complacent
  152. complement
  153. compliance
  154. component
  155. comprehensive
  156. compromise
  157. conception
  158. concession
  159. concordance
  160. condescend
  161. condescending
  162. conditional
  163. conformist
  164. congregation
  165. consummate
  166. contumely
  167. conundrum
  168. convene
  169. convention
  170. conventional
  171. convergence
  172. corresponding
  173. cynicism
  174. deleterious
  175. demagogue
  176. demeanor
  177. depository
  178. dermatology
  179. destitution
  180. detriment
  181. diametrically
  182. digression
  183. diligent
  184. disclaim
  185. discredit
  186. disdain
  187. disparaging
  188. divergent
  189. draconian
  190. duplicity
  191. edifice
  192. effulge
  193. elaboration
  194. emaciated
  195. empathy
  196. emulate
  197. enervating
  198. enhance
  199. entrails
  200. ephemeral
  201. esoteric
  202. evacuate
  203. evanescent
  204. evangelist
  205. exasperation
  206. excrescence
  207. exemplary
  208. experimentation
  209. extenuating
  210. florid
  211. fortuitous
  212. fractious
  213. frugal
  214. fulsome
  215. germinal
  216. gibbering
  217. gossamer
  218. gradient
  219. guise
  220. hackneyed
  221. halcyon
  222. haughty
  223. hedonist
  224. heresy
  225. hospice
  226. humidor
  227. hypothesis
  228. hypothetical
  229. immaculate
  230. impetuous
  231. importune
  232. impunity
  233. impute
  234. incommiscible
  235. incompatible
  236. inconsequential
  237. indulgent
  238. inevitable
  239. ingenuous
  240. ingratiate
  241. inhuman
  242. insolvent
  243. insomnia
  244. insulated
  245. insurgence
  246. integrity
  247. intemperate
  248. interlocutor
  249. interloper
  250. intoxicant
  251. intoxicate
  252. intractability
  253. intransigent
  254. intrepid
  255. intrepid
  256. intuitive
  257. invalidate
  258. jubilation
  259. lacerate
  260. liberalism
  261. litigate
  262. lobbyist
  263. longevity
  264. magnetize
  265. maniac
  266. meditation
  267. megalomania
  268. mercurial
  269. methuselah
  270. miasma
  271. mimicry
  272. moderation
  273. monograph
  274. moralist
  275. mundane
  276. newtonian
  277. nirvana
  278. nominal
  279. nonchalant
  280. novice
  281. odium
  282. opportunity
  283. opulent
  284. orator
  285. orthopedic
  286. ostentatious
  287. outrigger
  288. pacifist
  289. paragon
  290. parched
  291. parsimony
  292. pastiche
  293. pediatrics
  294. perfidious
  295. philanthropy
  296. phophesy
  297. photoelectric
  298. physiography
  299. picayune
  300. plantations
  301. plurality
  302. polygamy
  303. polyglot
  304. pompadour
  305. precedential
  306. precocious
  307. prescript
  308. pretentious
  309. privation
  310. procrastinate
  311. profession
  312. profligate
  313. prognosticated
  314. proliferated
  315. propellant
  316. propensity
  317. prosaic
  318. prosperity
  319. provocative
  320. proximate
  321. prudent
  322. querulous
  323. radix
  324. rancorous
  325. reclusive
  326. reconciliation
  327. rectify
  328. relegated
  329. renovation
  330. replenish
  331. reproduction
  332. resilient
  333. restrained
  334. retrograde
  335. reverence
  336. revert
  337. revocation
  338. rostrum
  339. sagacity
  340. scapegoat
  341. scierotic
  342. scrutinize
  343. sectarian
  344. sedulity
  345. serration
  346. servile
  347. shackles
  348. slovenly
  349. solidarity
  350. spontaneity
  351. sporadic
  352. spurious
  353. staggering
  354. stamina
  355. stymie
  356. subjection
  357. submissive
  358. substantially
  359. substantiate
  360. subtle
  361. summons
  362. sumptuous
  363. superficial
  364. superfluous
  365. suppliant
  366. suppress
  367. surreptitious
  368. surrogate
  369. tactful
  370. tedium
  371. tenacious
  372. theogony
  373. therapeutic
  374. thistle
  375. timorous
  376. trammel
  377. transient
  378. translucent
  379. trepidation
  380. trite
  381. truculent
  382. tumult
  383. ultimatum
  384. underlying
  385. underscore
  386. uniformity
  387. unprepossessing
  388. vagrant
  389. venous
  390. vernerable
  391. vicissitude
  392. vilification
  393. vindicate
  394. vivarium
  395. vulpine
  396. waggery
  397. wary
  398. wily
  399. zealot
  400. zenith
A closeup of Scrabble letters on a Scrabble board.

12th Grade Spelling Activities

Here are 14 fun activities for your students! Writing the words over and over is a great way to help your students know the correct spelling. Have them start with the hardest words first so they’re practiced the most.

They will love doing these different activities!

  1. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  2. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  3. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in abc order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  4. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  5. Fun Letters: Have your high schoolers write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  6. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword puzzle for the spelling words. They’ll love it! Don’t forget to have them make answer keys.
  7. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  8. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  9. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  10. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.
  11. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling games online your kids can do to practice too!
  12. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words!
  13. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the spelling or vocabulary words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  14. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.


How do you spell 12th grade?

You spell 12th grade t-w-e-l-f-t-h g-r-a-d-e.

How many words should a 12th grader be able to read?

A twelfth grader should be able to read between 225-275 words per minute.

What words should a 12 year old be able to spell?

Visualize, volcano, voyage, wealth, traveling, treaty, truly, undernourished, unfortunately, uniform, wealthy, and weapon are a few spelling words 12 year olds should know.

Wooden letters spelling the word "PLAY".

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Final Thoughts On 12th Grade Spelling List Words:

I hope you like this weekly spelling words list and different ways to help your high school students practice! Let me know what you think in the comments!

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