533 5th Grade Spelling Words For The Classroom!

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Looking for a 5th grade spelling words list? Here is a list of 533 spelling words and challenge words to test your students!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great day.

I’ve typed up a bunch of great fourth grade spelling words for you to use throughout the school year.

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These words are perfect for spelling practice, spelling activities, printable worksheets, spelling tests, and even spelling bees.

After the regular list of words, I’ve added a ton of 6th grade spelling words to challenge your students.

Let me know if you’d like me to separate this list into weekly spelling lists!

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I have a list of 4th grade spelling words too to help your struggling students.

I’ve also typed lists of 6th grade spelling words, 7th grade spelling words, 9th grade spelling words, 10th grade spelling words, and 12th grade spelling words. I hope you love them too!

Plus, I’ve written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, attention grabbers, classroom reward party ideas, and classroom names!

A curly haired little girl is pointing at an animal alphabet chart.

5th Grade Spelling Words List

Here is the list of fifth grade spelling words!

  1. able
  2. absent
  3. achieve
  4. acoustics
  5. action
  6. active
  7. activity
  8. actor
  9. actually
  10. addition
  11. advertisement
  12. advocate
  13. afraid
  14. Africa
  15. aftermath
  16. afternoon
  17. afterthought
  18. afterwards
  19. agility
  20. agreed
  21. agreement
  22. alternate
  23. allowable
  24. allowed
  25. aloud
  26. amendment
  27. amount
  28. amusement
  29. ancestor
  30. annual
  31. anoint
  32. another
  33. apartment
  34. apparel
  35. appear
  36. appliance
  37. applicant
  38. appoint
  39. appointed
  40. approve
  41. April
  42. archery
  43. arrange
  44. ashamed
  45. assestant
  46. attention
  47. August
  48. autumn
  49. avenue
  50. aware
  51. awhile
  52. awkward
  53. baceria
  54. beautiful
  55. been
  56. beetle
  57. began
  58. beginning
  59. beige
  60. bicycle
  61. bottom
  62. brace
  63. breakable
  64. breakfast
  65. breathe
  66. brilliant
  67. bruise
  68. business
  69. calves
  70. canter
  71. capital
  72. capitol
  73. captain
  74. carefully
  75. cathedral
  76. caught
  77. cause
  78. celebrate
  79. century
  80. chemical
  81. chocolate
  82. circle
  83. city
  84. climate
  85. climb
  86. climbed
  87. coast
  88. collar
  89. column
  90. comet
  91. comic
  92. commercial
  93. communication
  94. compact
  95. company
  96. compliant
  97. condition
  98. Connecticut
  99. consider
  100. consonant
  101. constant
  102. contestant
  103. continent
  104. continue
  105. continued
  106. copy
  107. country
  108. course
  109. cousin
  110. coward
  111. crystal
  112. cube
  113. current
  114. curtain
  115. cute
  116. daughter
  117. daybreak
  118. daytime
  119. debatable
  120. decided
  121. decimal
  122. defendant
  123. delicious
  124. delight
  125. desert
  126. design
  127. desirable
  128. dessert
  129. details
  130. determine
  131. detrimental
  132. devotion
  133. dictionary
  134. difference
  135. different
  136. difficult
  137. direction
  138. dirty
  139. disappear
  140. disappoint
  141. discard
  142. discover
  143. disguise
  144. dishonest
  145. distance
  146. distinct
  147. distinguishable
  148. disuse
  149. division
  150. does
  151. dominant
  152. duplex
  153. duplicate
  154. eager
  155. eagle
  156. easily
  157. ecology
  158. education
  159. eighth
  160. election
  161. elements
  162. empty
  163. encourage
  164. energy
  165. enjoyment
  166. equal
  167. equation
  168. errands
  169. escape
  170. exact
  171. exactly
  172. excellent
  173. except
  174. exchange
  175. excitable
  176. expect
  177. explain
  178. explode
  179. express
  180. extravagant
  181. factor
  182. factory
  183. fashion
  184. fault
  185. favorite
  186. fifteen
  187. finally
  188. financial
  189. finished
  190. flavor
  191. Florida
  192. forward
  193. fought
  194. fraction
  195. freight
  196. French
  197. fuel
  198. furniture
  199. future
  200. galaxy
  201. gallop
  202. gaseous
  203. general
  204. gopher
  205. government
  206. graceful
  207. graph
  208. grasp
  209. grease
  210. greatest
  211. grown-ups
  212. grudge
  213. grumble
  214. guest
  215. guide
  216. guillible
  217. gyena
  218. happened
  219. happily
  220. harvest
  221. healthy
  222. height
  223. hesitate
  224. hoarse
  225. horizon
  226. horrible
  227. human
  228. hundredth
  229. hurry
  230. idea
  231. ignorant
  232. imagine
  233. impatient
  234. include
  235. increase
  236. indeed
  237. indicate
  238. information
  239. instant
  240. instrument
  241. insult
  242. intention
  243. interesting
  244. inventor
  245. irritate
  246. island
  247. jewel
  248. jewelry
  249. journey
  250. jungle
  251. killed
  252. knives
  253. known
  254. laid
  255. language
  256. laughter
  257. launch
  258. lawyer
  259. leather
  260. length
  261. level
  262. limb
  263. linen
  264. lizard
  265. located
  266. locket
  267. logya
  268. lumber
  269. magic
  270. major
  271. mammal
  272. manageable
  273. management
  274. mansion
  275. manufacture
  276. material
  277. matter
  278. maybe
  279. mayor
  280. meanwhile
  281. measure
  282. medallion
  283. medicinal
  284. melody
  285. melon
  286. members
  287. memorable
  288. memories
  289. mention
  290. message
  291. method
  292. migration
  293. million
  294. millionth
  295. Minnesota
  296. minor
  297. modern
  298. moutain
  299. music
  300. mustard
  301. natural
  302. necessary
  303. neither
  304. newspaper
  305. noodle
  306. northern
  307. notable
  308. notebook
  309. notice
  310. noun
  311. novel
  312. numeral
  313. object
  314. observe
  315. once
  316. only
  317. opposite
  318. orphan
  319. ostrich
  320. ought
  321. outside
  322. oxygen
  323. paid
  324. paint
  325. panel
  326. paragraph
  327. passive
  328. pattern
  329. pause
  330. payment
  331. perhaps
  332. period
  333. permit
  334. petroleum
  335. phone
  336. phrase
  337. picnic
  338. pilgrim
  339. pleasant
  340. please
  341. pleasure
  342. plunge
  343. plural
  344. poison
  345. position
  346. possible
  347. practice
  348. practice
  349. preferable
  350. prepared
  351. president
  352. probably
  353. problem
  354. process
  355. produce
  356. program
  357. promise
  358. property
  359. protection
  360. provide
  361. puzzle
  362. quadruple
  363. questionable
  364. quickly
  365. quietly
  366. racial
  367. radio
  368. raise
  369. rarely
  370. rather
  371. reached
  372. ready
  373. receive
  374. recent
  375. record
  376. referee
  377. region
  378. relation
  379. relax
  380. rely
  381. remain
  382. remove
  383. repay
  384. repeat
  385. report
  386. represent
  387. respond
  388. result
  389. reverent
  390. rhythm
  391. rising
  392. rough
  393. route
  394. ruin
  395. sacrificial
  396. salad
  397. sandal
  398. saucer
  399. scale
  400. scent
  401. schedule
  402. science
  403. secret
  404. secretary
  405. section
  406. separate
  407. service
  408. settled
  409. several
  410. shadow
  411. shelter
  412. shoulder
  413. shouted
  414. shower
  415. signal
  416. similar
  417. sincerely
  418. single
  419. situation
  420. size
  421. sleigh
  422. slippery
  423. smile
  424. soar
  425. soil
  426. solidify
  427. solution
  428. solve
  429. someone
  430. southern
  431. split
  432. spoiled
  433. sports
  434. sprint
  435. square
  436. squeeze
  437. stain
  438. state
  439. statement
  440. station
  441. steer
  442. stomach
  443. stopping
  444. straight
  445. straighten
  446. strange
  447. stream
  448. stretched
  449. stringent
  450. stunt
  451. succeed
  452. sudden
  453. suggest
  454. suitable
  455. suitcase
  456. sunset
  457. supply
  458. suppose
  459. sure
  460. surface
  461. surprise
  462. surround
  463. sweater
  464. syllable
  465. symbol
  466. syrup
  467. tablet
  468. tangible
  469. tasty
  470. teaspoon
  471. tenant
  472. Tennessee
  473. tenth
  474. terrible
  475. they
  476. though
  477. thoughtful
  478. thousandth
  479. thrown
  480. thumb
  481. tolerable
  482. tornado
  483. tortoise
  484. toward
  485. trace
  486. traffic
  487. trail
  488. treasure
  489. treatment
  490. triangle
  491. trinity
  492. trilogy
  493. triple
  494. trouble
  495. tumble
  496. tunnel
  497. turtle
  498. type
  499. umpire
  500. understood
  501. universe
  502. unknown
  503. until
  504. unusual
  505. usually
  506. valley
  507. value
  508. vanish
  509. various
  510. vertical
  511. very
  512. virus
  513. vocabulary
  514. voyage
  515. walrus
  516. warn
  517. weigh
  518. weight
  519. weird
  520. western
  521. which
  522. whisper
  523. whoever
  524. whole
  525. whose
  526. wives
  527. women
  528. wonderful
  529. wound
  530. wreck
  531. wrote
  532. x-ray
  533. yesterday

I’ve just compiled these words into one master list. You could compile them into your own spelling lists with different spelling patterns, spelling rules, double consonants, consonant blends, compound words, word parts, or word families.

Bright wooden alphabet letters are standing up on a white surface.

Challenge Words

Here are a bunch of words on the 6th grade level you can use to challenge your fifth graders!

  1. continued
  2. detrimental
  3. ecology
  4. fashion
  5. grease
  6. increase
  7. level
  8. memorable
  9. object
  10. pleasant
  11. quietly
  12. rising
  13. sincerely
  14. stopping
  15. tasty
  16. tumble
  17. which
  18. allowed
  19. April
  20. caught
  21. communication
  22. dessert
  23. distance
  24. extravagant
  25. fuel
  26. imagine
  27. journey
  28. melody
  29. natural
  30. phrase
  31. problem
  32. result
  33. section
  34. station
  35. supply
  36. trilogy
  37. various
  38. alternate
  39. appear
  40. carefully
  41. coast
  42. design
  43. disappear
  44. explode
  45. Florida
  46. idea
  47. interesting
  48. medallion
  49. Minnesota
  50. petroleum
  51. practice
  52. represent
  53. scale
  54. state
  55. succeed
  56. triangle
  57. until
  58. achieve
  59. apparel
  60. been
  61. climbed
  62. country
  63. dirty
  64. eighth
  65. flavor
  66. grown-ups
  67. intention
  68. linen
  69. millionth
  70. once
  71. possible
  72. radio
  73. saucer
  74. situation
  75. stunt
  76. tenant
  77. unknown
  78. whoever
  79. advocate
  80. apartment
  81. breakfast
  82. climb
  83. daughter
  84. direction
  85. errands
  86. finished
  87. harvest
  88. insult
  89. manageable
  90. million
  91. paint
  92. position
  93. referee
  94. sandal
  95. solve
  96. stringent
  97. thumb
  98. universe
  99. x-ray
  100. acoustics

Spelling Word Activities

Here are 14 fun activities for your students! They will love doing these different activities.

  1. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words!
  2. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  3. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  4. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  5. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  6. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.
  7. Fun Letters: Have the students write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  8. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword puzzle for the spelling words. They’ll love it!
  9. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  10. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling games online your kids can do to practice too!
  11. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  12. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  13. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  14. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.


What should a 5th grader be able to spell?

A 5th grader should be able to spell the words traffic, possible, please, pleasure, noun, novel, opposite, valley, lumber, lizard, shower, and schedule.

What are 10 spelling words for 5th graders?

Ten words 5th graders should be able to spell are traffic, possible, please, pleasure, noun, novel, opposite, valley, lumber, lizard, shower, and schedule

What words should an 11 year old be able to spell?

An 11 year old should be able to spell the words traffic, possible, please, pleasure, noun, novel, opposite, valley, lumber, lizard, shower, and schedule.

What words do fifth graders spell in Week 1?

In Week 1, fifth graders spell the words traffic, possible, please, pleasure, noun, novel, opposite, valley, lumber, lizard, shower, and schedule.

Three young students are sitting at a desk with books open.  One is using a microphone.  One is looking at a small globe.

Want More?

Final Thoughts

I hope you like this word list as much as I do! I hope it helps you and your 5th graders.

I can add some new words or a list of academic vocabulary words if that would help!

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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