503 6th Grade Spelling Words List For School And Home!

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Looking for a list of 6th grade spelling words? This huge list is perfect for spelling practice, activities and tests for your sixth graders!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great day.

I’ve typed up a bunch of great sixth grade spelling words for you to use throughout the school year. These words are perfect for spelling activities, worksheets, spelling tests, and even spelling bees.

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After the regular list of words, I’ve added a ton of 7th grade spelling words to challenge your students.

Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to separate the giant list of spelling words to have a weekly spelling list! I’m happy to do whatever will be more helpful.

I’ve also typed lists of 4th grade spelling words, 5th grade spelling words, and 7th grade spelling words. I hope you find them helpful too!

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I’ve also written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, attention grabbers, classroom reward party ideas, and classroom names! They can help you set up a perfect classroom.

Someone is holding an alphabet dice.  There are a bunch of alphabet die in the background too.

6th Grade Spelling Word Lists

Here are a bunch of spelling words. I hope these help you with your teaching or with help ing your child at home.

  1. abolish
  2. absence
  3. accept
  4. accident
  5. accidentally
  6. acquire
  7. adequate
  8. administration
  9. admissible
  10. adopt
  11. advantage
  12. adventure
  13. adverb
  14. advisor
  15. again
  16. aghast
  17. agony
  18. ailment
  19. alchemy
  20. algebra
  21. aluminum
  22. ambulance
  23. ancient
  24. another
  25. answered
  26. anxious
  27. appearance
  28. appetizer
  29. appointment
  30. approach
  31. aptitude
  32. arithmetic
  33. artichoke
  34. audience
  35. autumn
  36. aware
  37. banquet
  38. basis
  39. beautifully
  40. because
  41. behind
  42. beliefs
  43. bicycle
  44. bigger
  45. blown
  46. bough
  47. bowling
  48. bows
  49. brokenhearted
  50. buffaloes
  51. building
  52. burden
  53. calendar
  54. California
  55. cannon
  56. canyon
  57. capable
  58. capacity
  59. catsup
  60. caution
  61. ceiling
  62. cereal
  63. certainly
  64. champion
  65. chiefs
  66. choir
  67. choose
  68. chorus
  69. civic
  70. cleanse
  71. clumsy
  72. combination
  73. comedy
  74. comfortable
  75. common
  76. communist
  77. community
  78. complain
  79. concentration
  80. concern
  81. connection
  82. consider
  83. constant
  84. constitution
  85. contagiour
  86. conversation
  87. cooperation
  88. correct
  89. costumes
  90. cottage
  91. coupon
  92. cowboy
  93. creative
  94. creature
  95. crept
  96. crisis
  97. crutch
  98. crystal
  99. crystallize
  100. cuffs
  101. culture
  102. curious
  103. dangerous
  104. daylight
  105. debris
  106. decade
  107. decision
  108. defeat
  109. defender
  110. delicate
  111. delivery
  112. demonstrate
  113. denominator
  114. deny
  115. department
  116. departure
  117. deposit
  118. depth
  119. descendant
  120. descent
  121. desecration
  122. desserts
  123. didn’t
  124. disagreement
  125. disastrous
  126. discussion
  127. distance
  128. distributed
  129. doing
  130. doubt
  131. earliest
  132. echoes
  133. edition
  134. educate
  135. effective
  136. efforts
  137. electricity
  138. element
  139. elevator
  140. emergency
  141. employer
  142. emptiness
  143. encouragement
  144. encyclopedia
  145. enlighten
  146. entertainment
  147. entire
  148. entrance
  149. envelope
  150. equator
  151. erupt
  152. especially
  153. establish
  154. etiquette
  155. everything
  156. examine
  157. example
  158. excellent
  159. excitement
  160. exercise
  161. existence
  162. expect
  163. experience
  164. expert
  165. expnesive
  166. exterior
  167. familiar
  168. faucet
  169. fierce
  170. financial
  171. fireproof
  172. fishing
  173. Florida
  174. following
  175. foreign
  176. forgetting
  177. forgiveness
  178. forward
  179. fossil
  180. fraction
  181. freight
  182. frighten
  183. fuel
  184. further
  185. gallon
  186. garage
  187. gasoline
  188. gaze
  189. generally
  190. gesture
  191. governor
  192. graduation
  193. grateful
  194. grief
  195. halves
  196. hamburger
  197. hangar
  198. hanger
  199. happiness
  200. harmony
  201. hasten
  202. hasty
  203. headache
  204. heroes
  205. history
  206. honorable
  207. horizon
  208. horse
  209. hula
  210. humane
  211. hunger
  212. hyphen
  213. icicles
  214. ignore
  215. imagination
  216. imbalance
  217. imitate
  218. immediate
  219. immediately
  220. immigrant
  221. immovable
  222. immune
  223. impatient
  224. import
  225. importance
  226. impossible
  227. impress
  228. improvement
  229. independence
  230. infinite
  231. ingredient
  232. injury
  233. innocent
  234. inquire
  235. instead
  236. instruction
  237. intermission
  238. interview
  239. intimidate
  240. introduce
  241. invisible
  242. invitation
  243. invite
  244. involve
  245. irresistible
  246. jealous
  247. journey
  248. junior
  249. knack
  250. kneeling
  251. knowledge
  252. lawyer
  253. league
  254. legal
  255. letters
  256. liberate
  257. liberty
  258. linger
  259. liquid
  260. listening
  261. literal
  262. literature
  263. loaves
  264. location
  265. longer
  266. luggage
  267. major
  268. manager
  269. manner
  270. manor
  271. marriage
  272. married
  273. massive
  274. matter
  275. meant
  276. mechanic
  277. medicine
  278. mediocre
  279. mention
  280. miles
  281. military
  282. minus
  283. minute
  284. minute
  285. mistaken
  286. misunderstand
  287. mixture
  288. mourn
  289. multiple
  290. muscle
  291. muscular
  292. museum
  293. musician
  294. mute
  295. myth
  296. national
  297. nationality
  298. nature
  299. nearby
  300. negative
  301. noisy
  302. noticeable
  303. novel
  304. numerator
  305. obtain
  306. occur
  307. official
  308. ointment
  309. operate
  310. orientation
  311. original
  312. ourselves
  313. outline
  314. partial
  315. passenger
  316. patient
  317. penalty
  318. penguin
  319. percent
  320. perform
  321. performance
  322. perseverance
  323. personal
  324. persuade
  325. photosynthesis
  326. physical
  327. piano
  328. plumber
  329. poem
  330. poet
  331. poetry
  332. policy
  333. pollute
  334. pollution
  335. positive
  336. potatoes
  337. practical
  338. predict
  339. prefer
  340. pressure
  341. prevent
  342. principal
  343. private
  344. progress
  345. project
  346. pumpkins
  347. punish
  348. purchase
  349. purse
  350. pursue
  351. quality
  352. quartet
  353. quiver
  354. quizzes
  355. quote
  356. raccoon
  357. radios
  358. radius
  359. rapid
  360. ratio
  361. reaction
  362. realize
  363. recently
  364. recycle
  365. reduce
  366. referred
  367. regardless
  368. regular
  369. rehearse
  370. release
  371. relief
  372. relieve
  373. rely
  374. remarkable
  375. remember
  376. remembering
  377. remind
  378. remote
  379. replacement
  380. replied
  381. reply
  382. report
  383. requirement
  384. rescue
  385. research
  386. resident
  387. resist
  388. resource
  389. resources
  390. respectful
  391. review
  392. roam
  393. routine
  394. rumbling
  395. rumor
  396. rural
  397. safety
  398. sailor
  399. salmon
  400. salute
  401. sandwich
  402. satisfy
  403. saucer
  404. saucy
  405. scarcely
  406. scientific
  407. scissors
  408. sculptor
  409. security
  410. selection
  411. senior
  412. sensational
  413. sense
  414. sentence
  415. separately
  416. sequins
  417. serious
  418. session
  419. shampoo
  420. shelves
  421. shorten
  422. silent
  423. simply
  424. skateboard
  425. sketch
  426. skillful
  427. smartest
  428. solar
  429. solemn
  430. sought
  431. spaghetti
  432. sponge
  433. spring
  434. square
  435. squawk
  436. squeak
  437. staggered
  438. states
  439. stood
  440. storage
  441. strain
  442. strategy
  443. strength
  444. strive
  445. struggle
  446. student
  447. studios
  448. subtle
  449. success
  450. suggestion
  451. summer
  452. support
  453. surrounded
  454. sword
  455. system
  456. teammate
  457. telephone
  458. television
  459. temperature
  460. Tennessee
  461. theme
  462. themselves
  463. theory
  464. there’s
  465. therefore
  466. thicken
  467. thousand
  468. threat
  469. thunderstorm
  470. tomatoes
  471. tongue
  472. tornadoes
  473. trophies
  474. trouble
  475. turtleneck
  476. tutor
  477. twenty
  478. unbelievable
  479. underneath
  480. unite
  481. vacuum
  482. vague
  483. vain
  484. variety
  485. vary
  486. vault
  487. vegetable
  488. vein
  489. violence
  490. visible
  491. vision
  492. volleyball
  493. waste
  494. whether
  495. who’s
  496. whose
  497. work
  498. worst
  499. would
  500. wrestle
  501. wrinkle
  502. yield
  503. young
A bunch of colorful felt letters are in a pile.

Challenge Words

Here is a list of 7th grade spelling words you can use to challenge your students!

  1. compressor
  2. delayed
  3. dreadful
  4. especially
  5. damage
  6. diamond
  7. equip
  8. extraordinary
  9. culminate
  10. descendant
  11. episode
  12. executive
  13. concentrate
  14. deodorant
  15. economics
  16. exchange
  17. courage
  18. deny
  19. engineer
  20. excellent
  21. concentration
  22. desirous
  23. economy
  24. expensive
  25. conductor
  26. diameter
  27. either
  28. extortion
  29. confetti
  30. digest
  31. elementary
  32. fabricate
  33. control
  34. dismissal
  35. encircle
  36. favorite
  37. confident
  38. discouraged
  39. embarrass
  40. fascinating
  41. congratulations
  42. dispersal
  43. emotion
  44. fiasco
  45. consequently
  46. distinguished
  47. emphasize
  48. deceive
  49. disgraceful
  50. erosion
  51. fatigue
  52. daughter
  53. discipline
  54. equipped
  55. failure
  56. content
  57. dispose
  58. employed
  59. flagrant
  60. consumer
  61. doubt
  62. employ
  63. cousin
  64. deficiency
  65. envelope
  66. eruption
  67. copies
  68. description
  69. endurance
  70. exhibit
  71. computers
  72. deliver
  73. drummer
  74. every
  75. convict
  76. destroyed
  77. encyclopedia
  78. extinguish
  79. controlling
  80. discourage
  81. enclosing
  82. familiar
  83. culprit
  84. desperate
  85. equal
  86. extinct
  87. courtesy
  88. delightful
  89. enough
  90. ethnic
  91. crypt
  92. democracy
  93. environment
  94. evident
  95. controversy
  96. dictionary
  97. encounter
  98. extremely
  99. cringe
  100. delicious

Spelling Word Activities

Here are 14 fun activities for your students! They will love doing these different activities.

  1. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words!
  2. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  3. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  4. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  5. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  6. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.
  7. Fun Letters: Have the students write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  8. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword puzzle for the spelling words. They’ll love it!
  9. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  10. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling online your kids can do to practice too!
  11. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  12. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  13. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  14. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.


Here are some frequently asked questions about 6th grade spelling words.

What words should a 12 year old be able to spell?

A 12 year old should be able to spell the words continued, detrimental, ecology, fashion, grease, daughter, direction, errands, finished, harvest, insult, manageable, million, paint, position, referee, sandal, solve, stringent, thumb, universe, x-ray, and acoustics.

What are some spelling word games for 6th grade?

My students loved playing Sparkle. Each student says a letter of the spelling word. If they miss a letter, they’re out. You can also have your students draw picture of their spelling words or write their words with crayons.

You can make spelling fun for my students?

You can make spelling fun by doing a different activity for spelling practice. One day, my students would write their words with markers or colored pencils. Another day, they’re draw a picture using their words. Another day, they’d write a story with their words. We’d also play Sparkle with the spelling words.

How many spelling words for 6th grade?

Here are some spelling words for 6th grade: communication, dessert, distance, extravagant, fuel, imagine, journey, melody, natural, phrase, problem, result, section, station, supply, trilogy, various, , rising, sincerely, stopping, tasty, tumble, which, allowed, April, caught, possible, radio, saucer, situation, stunt, and tenant.

This is a picture of someone holding a pencil writing in a notebook.  Glasses and a tablet are next to the journal.

Want More?

Final Thoughts

This was a huge list of spelling words. I wrote it so you can use it in your classroom. Use the words to make different activities or worksheets.

You can also use these words to help you child with spelling at home. Practice these words with your child so they’re do well on their tests.

I hope you like these spelling words as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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