535 7th Grade Spelling Words For Home And School!

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Looking for a big list of spelling words for 7th grade? Here are 535 spelling words, a bunch of challenge words, and fun activities!

Hello fellow teachers! I hope you’re doing well.

I’ve typed up a bunch of great spelling words for you to use throughout the school year. These words are perfect for spelling activities, worksheets, spelling tests, and even a spelling bee.

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After the regular list of words, I’ve added a ton of 8th grade spelling words to challenge your brightest students.

Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to separate the giant list of spelling words to have a weekly spelling list! I’m happy to do whatever will be more helpful.

I’ve also typed lists of 9th grade spelling words, 10th grade spelling words, and 12th grade spelling words. I hope you find them helpful too!

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I’ve also written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, attention grabbers, classroom reward party ideas, and classroom names!

A middle school student is laying on her bedding writing in a school workbook.

7th Grade Spelling Words

Here are a bunch of spelling words for your seventh graders!

  1. abandon
  2. abbreviation
  3. abound
  4. absence
  5. absolutely
  6. absorb
  7. abundant
  8. accept
  9. accessible
  10. accommodate
  11. accompanied
  12. accomplishment
  13. accumulate
  14. accurate
  15. achievement
  16. acquaintance
  17. acres
  18. address
  19. adequate
  20. adjustable
  21. admit
  22. admittance
  23. adolescent
  24. advantage
  25. advantageous
  26. advice
  27. advise
  28. afghan
  29. against
  30. alternate
  31. alternative
  32. amusement
  33. amusing
  34. analysis
  35. analyze
  36. ancestor
  37. annex
  38. anniversary
  39. apparent
  40. appreciate
  41. arch
  42. artificial
  43. assignment
  44. assistance
  45. association
  46. athlete
  47. atmostphere
  48. attendance
  49. attention
  50. attractive
  51. authority
  52. bachelor
  53. bacteria
  54. badge
  55. bagel
  56. baggage
  57. bampaign
  58. bankruptcy
  59. because
  60. beginning
  61. believable
  62. belittle
  63. beneficial
  64. benefited
  65. benefiting
  66. bias
  67. bicycle
  68. biscuit
  69. bizarre
  70. bliss
  71. blossoming
  72. bonafide
  73. boulevard
  74. bound
  75. boundary
  76. bouquet
  77. breath
  78. brilliant
  79. brochure
  80. bulletin
  81. bureau
  82. business
  83. calendar
  84. campaign
  85. cancel
  86. cancellation
  87. candidate
  88. capable
  89. capital
  90. capitol
  91. catalog
  92. category
  93. catsup
  94. caught
  95. ceaseless
  96. celery
  97. cemetery
  98. cereal
  99. challenge
  100. changeable
  101. chaperone
  102. character
  103. characteristic
  104. chocolate
  105. chrysanthemum
  106. cinnamon
  107. civilize
  108. colonel
  109. column
  110. commercial
  111. committed
  112. committee
  113. commotion
  114. companion
  115. competent
  116. competition
  117. complement
  118. complex
  119. compliment
  120. compressor
  121. computers
  122. concentrate
  123. concentration
  124. conductor
  125. confetti
  126. confident
  127. congratulations
  128. consequently
  129. consumer
  130. content
  131. control
  132. controlling
  133. controversy
  134. convict
  135. copies
  136. courage
  137. courtesy
  138. cousin
  139. cringe
  140. crypt
  141. culminate
  142. culprit
  143. damage
  144. daughter
  145. deceive
  146. deficiency
  147. delayed
  148. delicious
  149. delightful
  150. deliver
  151. democracy
  152. deny
  153. deodorant
  154. descendant
  155. description
  156. desirous
  157. desperate
  158. destroyed
  159. diameter
  160. diamond
  161. dictionary
  162. digest
  163. discipline
  164. discourage
  165. discouraged
  166. disgraceful
  167. dismissal
  168. dispersal
  169. dispose
  170. distinguished
  171. doubt
  172. dreadful
  173. drummer
  174. economics
  175. economy
  176. either
  177. elementary
  178. embarrass
  179. emotion
  180. emphasize
  181. employ
  182. employed
  183. encircle
  184. enclosing
  185. encounter
  186. encyclpedia
  187. endurance
  188. engineer
  189. enough
  190. envelope
  191. envious
  192. environment
  193. episode
  194. equal
  195. equip
  196. equipped
  197. erosion
  198. eruption
  199. especially
  200. ethics
  201. ethnic
  202. every
  203. evident
  204. excellent
  205. exchange
  206. executive
  207. exhibit
  208. expensive
  209. extinct
  210. extinguish
  211. extortion
  212. extraordinary
  213. extremely
  214. fabricate
  215. failure
  216. familiar
  217. fascinating
  218. fatigue
  219. favorite
  220. fiasco
  221. flagrant
  222. flamboyant
  223. flavoring
  224. foreign
  225. forfeit
  226. fossilize
  227. frayed
  228. frequently
  229. friendly
  230. frightful
  231. fundamental
  232. gauge
  233. genuine
  234. ghetto
  235. ghostly
  236. glamorous
  237. glaze
  238. gossiping
  239. government
  240. gradual
  241. graffiti
  242. grammar
  243. grievance
  244. guarantee
  245. habitat
  246. harass
  247. haven
  248. havoc
  249. heavily
  250. heroic
  251. hesitate
  252. honestly
  253. horrify
  254. hospital
  255. humid
  256. humility
  257. hygiene
  258. hygienic
  259. identical
  260. idle
  261. idol
  262. ignorant
  263. illegal
  264. illustration
  265. imaginary
  266. imitative
  267. immediately
  268. immobilize
  269. impossibility
  270. impressive
  271. inanimate
  272. inconvenient
  273. incredible
  274. independent
  275. individual
  276. infamous
  277. influence
  278. informant
  279. inhabit
  280. inherit
  281. innocence
  282. innocent
  283. instructior
  284. insure
  285. intelligent
  286. interfere
  287. interruption
  288. introduction
  289. involvement
  290. irate
  291. irresistible
  292. itinerant
  293. jealousy
  294. judgment
  295. justice
  296. juvenile
  297. kettle
  298. knitting
  299. laboratory
  300. lampoon
  301. landmark
  302. language
  303. laughter
  304. legibly
  305. legion
  306. leisure
  307. lightning
  308. liquidation
  309. longevity
  310. manage
  311. management
  312. maneuver
  313. marvel
  314. mathematics
  315. measure
  316. media
  317. memory
  318. mercy
  319. merrily
  320. message
  321. mileage
  322. miniature
  323. misbehaved
  324. miscellaneous
  325. morale
  326. mortgage
  327. motivate
  328. movement
  329. multiple
  330. murmur
  331. musical
  332. musician
  333. mysterious
  334. mystery
  335. neglect
  336. negotiate
  337. neighbor
  338. nervous
  339. nuisance
  340. nurture
  341. oases
  342. oasis
  343. obedient
  344. obituary
  345. obligation
  346. oblige
  347. obstacle
  348. obviously
  349. occasion
  350. optimistic
  351. ordinarily
  352. ordinary
  353. organization
  354. original
  355. overt
  356. pamphlet
  357. panic
  358. panicked
  359. panicky
  360. parallel
  361. paralysis
  362. paralyze
  363. pardon
  364. partial
  365. patient
  366. pedestrian
  367. penicillin
  368. percent
  369. permanent
  370. persuade
  371. pertinent
  372. peruse
  373. phantom
  374. pheasant
  375. phrase
  376. physical
  377. pinciple
  378. pledge
  379. poison
  380. politely
  381. political
  382. popular
  383. possible
  384. potent
  385. preacher
  386. precipitation
  387. pressure
  388. principal
  389. privilege
  390. procedure
  391. produce
  392. profit
  393. pronunciation
  394. psychology
  395. puny
  396. qualifications
  397. qualified
  398. qualifying
  399. questionnaire
  400. quotation
  401. quote
  402. rampage
  403. raspberry
  404. reasonable
  405. rebel
  406. rebelling
  407. receieve
  408. receipt
  409. receiving
  410. recipe
  411. recognition
  412. recognize
  413. recommend
  414. recruit
  415. reddest
  416. regret
  417. replenish
  418. reprimand
  419. resigned
  420. restaurant
  421. revert
  422. rhyme
  423. rhythm
  424. ridge
  425. ridiculous
  426. ritual
  427. roster
  428. rotten
  429. rough
  430. rubbish
  431. rustic
  432. salvation
  433. sandwich
  434. sanitary
  435. saturate
  436. scarcity
  437. scenery
  438. schedule
  439. scheme
  440. schism
  441. secretary
  442. securing
  443. sedate
  444. seize
  445. serial
  446. sheriff
  447. shipment
  448. shipped
  449. shutters
  450. siege
  451. significance
  452. simile
  453. simply
  454. sincerely
  455. sincerity
  456. sinister
  457. situation
  458. skeptical
  459. slumber
  460. smudge
  461. solemn
  462. sophomore
  463. souvenir
  464. spacious
  465. specific
  466. spite
  467. splurge
  468. spotless
  469. spotty
  470. starred
  471. stationary
  472. stationery
  473. statistics
  474. stripped
  475. stunned
  476. subscription
  477. substitute
  478. suffrage
  479. sunny
  480. superintendent
  481. supervisor
  482. supply
  483. supposedly
  484. susceptible
  485. suspicious
  486. swimmer
  487. symphathy
  488. tainted
  489. terrify
  490. therapy
  491. thinnest
  492. thorough
  493. threatening
  494. tolerate
  495. tongue
  496. tournament
  497. tragedy
  498. traitor
  499. transferred
  500. transmitted
  501. traveled
  502. traveling
  503. treaty
  504. truly
  505. undernourished
  506. unfortunately
  507. uniform
  508. university
  509. unnecessary
  510. unsanitary
  511. vaccinate
  512. valuable
  513. various
  514. vehicle
  515. version
  516. vertical
  517. victim
  518. victory
  519. vigorously
  520. violation
  521. visible
  522. visualize
  523. volcano
  524. voyage
  525. wealth
  526. wealthy
  527. weapon
  528. weary
  529. wedge
  530. weird
  531. wheeze
  532. wilderness
  533. wreck
  534. yield
  535. youth
Someone is holding a plastic letter A in front of the rest of the letters of the alphabet.  They look like the letter magnets kids can playwith on the fridge.

Challenge Words

Here are a bunch of 8th grade spelling words. You can give this word list to your students as challenge words! Or you could add one or two at the end of each weekly list.

  1. accommodate
  2. belligerent
  3. circumference
  4. deficiency
  5. equilibrium
  6. fiasco
  7. grotesque
  8. malicious
  9. obesity
  10. predecessor
  11. snobbery
  12. taboo
  13. unique
  14. adolescent
  15. asterisk
  16. catastrophe
  17. continuous
  18. dilemma
  19. extricate
  20. frostbitten
  21. inconvenience
  22. luncheon
  23. miscellaneous
  24. obstinate
  25. permeate
  26. questionnaire
  27. sacrificial
  28. undernourished
  29. vitamin
  30. withhold
  31. acquisition
  32. antidote
  33. bachelor
  34. cameos
  35. characteristic
  36. confiscation
  37. hazardous
  38. longevity
  39. meticulous
  40. newsstand
  41. pageant
  42. plaintiff
  43. procrastinate
  44. scholar
  45. surmise
  46. accustomed
  47. applicant
  48. brilliance
  49. considerable
  50. detterent
  51. endeavor
  52. excessive
  53. schedule
  54. studious
  55. vacillate
  56. voracious
  57. amateur
  58. architect
  59. colleague
  60. critique
  61. flamboyant
  62. insufficient
  63. legitimate
  64. optimism
  65. protein
  66. religious
  67. tyranny
  68. vessel
  69. annoyance
  70. biannual
  71. counsel
  72. inevitable
  73. mercenary
  74. parliament
  75. potential
  76. shrine
  77. unsanitary
  78. apology
  79. discrepancy
  80. horrific
  81. internally
  82. necessity
  83. personification
  84. recurrent

Fun Activities

Here are 14 spelling activities for your 7th graders! Your students will have so much fun doing these different activities.

  1. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  2. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words!
  3. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  4. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  5. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.
  6. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  7. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  8. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  9. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  10. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.
  11. Fun Letters: Have the students write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  12. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword puzzle for the spelling words. They’ll love it!
  13. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  14. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling games online your kids can do to practice too!

All of these activities will help students practice their new words!

This is a closeup of an alphabet banner in a classroom.  The letters B, C, D, E, F, and G are visible.


What spelling words should a 7th grader know?

There are just too many words 7th grade students should know to list here. I’ve listed 535 above!

What words should a 12 year old be able to spell?

Visualize, volcano, voyage, wealth, traveling, treaty, truly, undernourished, unfortunately, uniform, wealthy, and weapon are a few spelling words seventh graders should know.

How can I improve my 7th grade spelling?

Have your students practice spelling their words by doing different activities with the words. That will help them improve their spelling and get them ready for the spelling test.

How do you spell seventh grader?

You spell seventh grader s-e-v-e-n-t-h g-r-a-d-e-r.

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Final Thoughts On Spelling Words For Seventh Grade Students:

I hope you like these spelling words and activities! They should give your students a strong foundation of English language arts and spelling. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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