129 Fun Attention Grabbers For Kids In The Classroom!

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Looking for some new attention grabbers for kids in your classroom? Good news, you can stop! Your whole class is going to love these.

Are your students getting noisy and rowdy lately? I’ve totally been there.

I loved teaching with all of my heart, but every once in a while it would get too loud and no one would be listening.

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When this happened, one of my favorite things to do is to use a new attention grabber! They’re so easy to say and they’re a fun way to get your students’ attention.

Attention grabbers are amazing! You can use them with a small group of students, a whole group, at transition times, with younger students, with older students, on field trips, or any time the noise level is getting too high.

You can write some of them on index cards or popsicle sticks. Then, grab a new card each time you want the attention of your students.

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This is a great classroom management resource! It will help you minimize bad behavior. The students will have so much fun listening for the new attention grabber, they quiet down faster and listen harder.

Here is a big list of all of the best attention grabbers. I’ll tell you my favorite one at the end!

This is a bird's eye view of four kids are laying on the floor throwing confetti into the air.

Verbal Cue Attention Grabbers

You say the first part of the phrase out loud to your class any time you want it quiet, and your students call back the second part!

  1. Oh me!… Oh my!
  2. Alligator, alligator…CHOMP!
  3. Zip it, lock it…Put it in your pocket!
  4. Holy moly…Guacamole!
  5. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?….SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!
  6. Peanut Butter…Jelly time!
  7. All eyes on me…I’m all ears!
  8. Whaterfall, waterfall…Shhhhh!
  9. Hot Fudge….Sundae!
  10. Scooby Dooby Doo…Where are you?
  11. To infinity…And beyond!
  12. All set?…You bet!
  13. Hocus Pocus…Everybody Focus!
  14. Marco…Polo!
  15. Ready to Rock?…Ready to Roll!
  16. I can make your hands clap… (Kids clap 6 times, like the song)
  17. One, two, three, eyes on me…One, two, eyes on your!
  18. And a hush fell across the room…Shhhh!
  19. Red Robin…Yummm! (Red Robin Jingle)
  20. Ba-da-ba-da-ba…I’m lovin’ it (McDonald’s jingle)
  21. Avengers…Assemble! (Superhero theme)
  22. May the Force…Be with you! (Star Wars Theme)
  23. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho…It’s off to work we go! (Disney’s Snow White)
  24. Alright, stop…Collaborate and listen! (Vanilla Ice)
  25. Ready to listen?… Ready to Learn!
  26. Wingardium…Leviosa (Harry Potter Theme)
  27. Eyes up…Back straight!
  28. L-I-S-T-E-N!
  29. Eyes up…Voices off!
  30. Zip it, lock it…Put it in your pocket!
  31. Flat tire…Shhhh!
  32. Autobots…Roll out!
  33. Fire…birds (Or any school mascot/name that works)
  34. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah…Zip-a-Dee-Ay! (Disney’s Song of the South)
  35. A,B,C…Easy as 1,2,3.
  36. Yakety Yak…Don’t talk back!
  37. Holy moly…Guacamole!
  38. Okey dokey….Artichokey!
  39. Class, class, class…Yes, yes, yes!
  40. Hocus Pocus…Everybody focus!
  41. Oh, watch me, watch me….Oh, watch you, watch you!
  42. Tootsie roll, lollipop….We’ve been talking, now let’s stop!
  43. Peanut butter…Jelly!
  44. Give me 3. (Stands for stop, look, and listen)
  45. Show me you’re thinking of me.
  46. Can I get a …WHOOP! WHOOP?!
  47. Who’s the friend who like to play?…Bing Bong, Bing Bong
  48. POP…Corn
  49. Flat tire!….Ssshhhhhhhh
  50. My bologna has a first name…It’s Oscar!
  51. 1,2,3, Eyes on me…1,2 Eyes on you!
  52. Marco…Polo.
  53. Banana….Split!
  54. Chicka, chicka…Boom! Boom!
  55. 1,2,3…Eyes on me!
  56. Chugga, chug…Choo! Choo!
  57. Hush…Shhhh!
  58. A hush fell over the room…Shhhh!
  59. Cyrstal…Clear!
  60. Eeny Meeny…Miny mo!
  61. Hot fudge…Sundae.
  62. Everybody in the house…Is as quiet as a mouse.
  63. Finger near your hips…Finger on our lips.
  64. Goodness gracious…Great balls of fire.
  65. Hakuna…Matata!
  66. 3,2,1…Blast Off!
  67. If we don’t row…Then we don’t go!
  68. FREEZE…Everybody, clap your hands!
  69. Hey, hey….Ho, ho!
  70. Hi, ho, hi, ho!…It’s off to work we go!
  71. Yaketi Yak…Don’t talk back!
  72. Alarm, alarm…Everybody is calm!
  73. Shave and a haircut…Six bits!
  74. Macaroni and Cheese…Everybody freeze!
  75. Eeny Meeny…Miny Mo!
  76. Hear ye, hear ye…All hail the queen (or king)!
  77. WWW dot…Zip it dot com!
  78. 1,2…3,4….Let’s go…Out the door!
  79. Everybody in the house…Is as quiet as a mouse!
  80. LOUD, LOUD, LOUD!…Soft, soft, soft.
  81. Class, Class, Class…Yes, yes, yes!
  82. Hands on top…Everybody stop.
  83. Clap your hands, stomp your feet…We need our bottoms in the seat.
  84. Hear ye, Hear ye…All eyes on the Queen/King!
  85. I’m talking….I’m listening.
  86. Classity, class, class…yesity, yes, yes.
  87. Ice cream…With sprinkles.
  88. Knock, knock…Who’s there?
  89. Let me hear you say “Oh Ye-ah”…OH YE-AH!
  90. Surf’s up…Shhhhh!
  91. Eyes up….Voices off.
  92. Let’s rock… And roll!
  93. May the force…Be with you.
  94. All set…You bet!
  95. Mouths…Closed…Ears…Open.
  96. Oh me….Oh my!
  97. No bees, no honey…No work, no money!
  98. On your feet….Find your seat.
  99. Pepper…Roni!
  100. Merry…Christmas.
  101. Gobble…Gobble!
  102. Mrs. Adams is talking, and you are…Not.
  103. Stop…Collaborate and listen.
  104. Never…Give up!
  105. If you can hear me, touch your nose. If you can hear me, put your hands on your head. If you can hear me, wink.
  106. Point at me if you’re not talking.
  107. Milk…Shake!
  108. Happy…Halloween.
  109. Piece of pie…Piece of cake.
  110. Quiet on the set…Action!
  111. Ready to listen?…Ready to learn!
  112. April…Fools.
  113. We are…Smart!
  114. Louisiana…Baton Rouge.
  115. Texas…Austin.
  116. Ready to rock…Ready to roll!
  117. Self…Control.
  118. Three, two, one…Talking is done.
  119. To infinity…And beyond.
  120. We are listening…All the time.
  121. Salami…On rye.
  122. Mona…Lisa.
  123. When I say peace, you say quiet. Peace…Quiet!
  124. Scooby Dooby Doo…Where are you?
  125. Chicken…Nuggets.
  126. Mardi…Gras.
  127. When the hand goes up…The mouth goes shut.
  128. Howdy…Ya’ll.
  129. We are…Rock stars!

The Bottom Line

My favorite attention grabber while I was teaching was “Flat tire-sssshhhhhhhh!” My students loved it and I thought it was so fun. It also got them quiet while saying “Sssssshhhhhh” which was perfect. Let me know if you try it!

After trying these with your class, you’re going to have so much of your kids’ attention, you won’t know what to do with it!

Four kids are sitting on chairs looking at the camera.


What are some attention grabbers for kids?

Everybody…Clap your hands! Three, two, one…Talking is done. To infinity…And beyond. We are listening…All the time. When I say peace, you say quiet. Peace…Quiet…Peace…Quiet!

What are some good attention grabbers?

Flat tire…Ssshhhh! Piece of pie…Piece of cake. Quiet on the set…Action! Ready to listen?…Ready to learn!

What is an attention getter for classroom?

Macaroni and cheese…Everybody freeze!

How do I grab my students attention?

Use attention grabbers! They’re so fun and everyone will love them. You can use verbal or nonverbal attention grabbers and you’ll have your students’ attention.

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Final Thoughts On Attention Grabbers For Kids:

I hope you like these attention grabbers as much as I do! They’re a great way to get children’s attention. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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