437 4th Grade Spelling Words For Home And School

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Looking for 4th grade spelling words? Here are 437 spelling words, a bunch of challenge words, and fun activities to help your students!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great day.

I’ve typed up a bunch of great fourth grade spelling words. You can use these throughout the school year.

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These words are perfect for spelling practice, spelling activities, printable worksheets, spelling tests, and even spelling bees.

After the regular list of words, I’ve added a ton of 5th grade spelling words to challenge your fourth graders. You could also use this list to challenge 3rd grade students.

Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to separate this huge list of spelling words into weekly spelling lists! I want this post to be a great resource for you.

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I’ve also typed lists of 5th grade spelling words, 6th grade spelling words, 7th grade spelling words, and 9th grade spelling words. I hope you find them helpful, too!

I’ve also written posts on the best classroom procedures, classroom jobs, attention grabbers, classroom reward party ideas, and classroom names. I hope they help you as well!

A little girl is pointing with both of her index fingers at an animal alphabet chart.

4th Grade Spelling Words List

Here is a huge list of spelling words for you to use!

  1. absence
  2. annoyed
  3. bought
  4. couch
  5. dawn
  6. either
  7. grown
  8. howl
  9. mirror
  10. purse
  11. ridge
  12. sleeve
  13. twilight
  14. whether
  15. activity
  16. arrived
  17. become
  18. blanket
  19. catch
  20. chore
  21. cough
  22. death
  23. doubtful
  24. earth
  25. fisherman
  26. fruit
  27. guard
  28. hurry
  29. lifeguard
  30. main
  31. offer
  32. path
  33. question
  34. rough
  35. she’s
  36. simple
  37. studying
  38. these
  39. uncle
  40. windshield
  41. all right
  42. April
  43. beauty
  44. belonged
  45. carrying
  46. coast
  47. crime
  48. dear
  49. double
  50. earlier
  51. final
  52. gentle
  53. heard
  54. hurried
  55. library
  56. machine
  57. obeyed
  58. playground
  59. ramp
  60. roof
  61. she’ll
  62. sigh
  63. strange
  64. tightrope
  65. vein
  66. wife
  67. angriest
  68. beaten
  69. breath
  70. comb
  71. dairy
  72. district
  73. elephant
  74. glance
  75. horrid
  76. knight
  77. moment
  78. pointing
  79. remember
  80. shadow
  81. slumber
  82. toothpaste
  83. weekend
  84. zipper
  85. airport
  86. always
  87. beautiful
  88. belong
  89. burglar
  90. common
  91. corner
  92. cousin
  93. curl
  94. divide
  95. dwell
  96. famous
  97. glare
  98. grandfather
  99. he’ll
  100. honor
  101. libraries
  102. lukewarm
  103. neighbor
  104. police
  105. problem
  106. quite
  107. relocate
  108. sharp
  109. sidewalk
  110. spend
  111. towel
  112. tuna
  113. urge
  114. weather
  115. zoo
  116. although
  117. battle
  118. circle
  119. crumb
  120. display
  121. garden
  122. honey
  123. kneel
  124. perfect
  125. reason
  126. seventy
  127. thread
  128. wait
  129. zero
  130. addition
  131. bambino
  132. bottle
  133. bridge
  134. cities
  135. couldn’t
  136. disappear
  137. eighty
  138. engine
  139. gasoline
  140. haircut
  141. juice
  142. middle
  143. monkey
  144. picture
  145. quiet
  146. season
  147. sixty
  148. smooth
  149. thumb
  150. understand
  151. yardstick
  152. azure
  153. boost
  154. broke
  155. choice
  156. dirty
  157. eighteen
  158. enough
  159. freight
  160. judge
  161. medal
  162. monkey
  163. parts
  164. search
  165. sixth
  166. sneeze
  167. teammate
  168. written
  169. against
  170. awhile
  171. camera
  172. charge
  173. county
  174. difficult
  175. festive
  176. forkful
  177. handsome
  178. jaw
  179. no one
  180. package
  181. quilt
  182. scrap
  183. squirt
  184. suppose
  185. unfolding
  186. wrist
  187. broken
  188. enter
  189. moreover
  190. sniff
  191. alley
  192. attack
  193. brought
  194. chance
  195. crooked
  196. deliver
  197. evening
  198. forgive
  199. hiking
  200. impossible
  201. mossy
  202. oxen
  203. rapid
  204. safe
  205. snowflake
  206. sunlight
  207. village
  208. world
  209. alphabet
  210. aunt
  211. bubble
  212. certain
  213. crowd
  214. determined
  215. except
  216. forever
  217. homesick
  218. invite
  219. motor
  220. oval
  221. ready
  222. sauce
  223. soften
  224. suggested
  225. voices
  226. worth
  227. agree
  228. athlete
  229. blood
  230. center
  231. cheer
  232. couple
  233. degree
  234. edit
  235. follow
  236. forty
  237. happiest
  238. important
  239. meant
  240. often
  241. painfully
  242. quit
  243. ruler
  244. sink
  245. sudden
  246. surprise
  247. unlike
  248. wood
  249. asleep
  250. bleak
  251. bloodhound
  252. cellar
  253. chicken
  254. decide
  255. easier
  256. eggplant
  257. floating
  258. fourth
  259. husband
  260. manner
  261. measure
  262. office
  263. paper
  264. round
  265. since
  266. situation
  267. style
  268. switch
  269. wonder
  270. attitude
  271. camper
  272. depend
  273. fever
  274. injured
  275. nobody
  276. saltwater
  277. starved
  278. worried
  279. alligator
  280. attract
  281. candle
  282. crow
  283. describe
  284. few
  285. holiday
  286. interest
  287. nonsense
  288. reach
  289. sandpaper
  290. steal
  291. visit
  292. worse
  293. ankle
  294. building
  295. cottage
  296. daughter
  297. explain
  298. grandmother
  299. however
  300. movement
  301. proper
  302. reusable
  303. spare
  304. twenty
  305. whenever
  306. banana
  307. busy
  308. churches
  309. dishwasher
  310. fasle
  311. gang
  312. kindness
  313. neither
  314. pencil
  315. self
  316. spiders
  317. thirty
  318. yourself
  319. alarm
  320. animal
  321. beggar
  322. bounce
  323. conflict
  324. cover
  325. danger
  326. drain
  327. electric
  328. gold
  329. he’s
  330. hour
  331. lonely
  332. mistake
  333. pour
  334. raccoon
  335. return
  336. shin
  337. slimy
  338. trouble
  339. useful
  340. weight
  341. bandage
  342. button
  343. chose
  344. dislike
  345. fear
  346. gain
  347. kitchen
  348. nickel
  349. peaceful
  350. seventh
  351. spring
  352. thirsty
  353. zebra
  354. avoided
  355. calf
  356. chief
  357. didn’t
  358. felt
  359. freedom
  360. jacket
  361. ninth
  362. parent
  363. scariest
  364. squirrel
  365. taxes
  366. wouldn’t
  367. alize
  368. between
  369. carving
  370. clothing
  371. crayon
  372. earn
  373. fingerprint
  374. gather
  375. health
  376. mailbox
  377. odd
  378. planet
  379. railroad
  380. sign
  381. studied
  382. thunderstorm
  383. useless
  384. angry
  385. believe
  386. built
  387. copy
  388. damage
  389. drawer
  390. faint
  391. grade
  392. groceries
  393. hospital
  394. loyal
  395. national
  396. powerful
  397. public
  398. retell
  399. shout
  400. special
  401. tube
  402. twice
  403. weigh
  404. apricot
  405. began
  406. caring
  407. coin
  408. deal
  409. downstairs
  410. fifty
  411. giant
  412. hungry
  413. listen
  414. o’clock
  415. pleasing
  416. roast
  417. shelf
  418. strager
  419. tool
  420. whistle
  421. buying
  422. choose
  423. feather
  424. fright
  425. ninety
  426. paste
  427. sprinkle
  428. tennis
  429. answer
  430. cardboard
  431. deaf
  432. fifth
  433. hundred
  434. nowhere
  435. risk
  436. steel
  437. whisper
Students are in a classroom tasing their hands and looking at their male teacher.

Challenge Words

Here are a bunch of spelling words on the fifth grade level to challenge your students!

  1. continued
  2. detrimental
  3. ecology
  4. fashion
  5. grease
  6. increase
  7. level
  8. memorable
  9. object
  10. pleasant
  11. quietly
  12. rising
  13. sincerely
  14. stopping
  15. tasty
  16. tumble
  17. which
  18. allowed
  19. April
  20. caught
  21. communication
  22. dessert
  23. distance
  24. extravagant
  25. fuel
  26. imagine
  27. journey
  28. melody
  29. natural
  30. phrase
  31. problem
  32. result
  33. section
  34. station
  35. supply
  36. triology
  37. various
  38. alernate
  39. appear
  40. carefully
  41. coast
  42. design
  43. disappear
  44. explode
  45. Florida
  46. idea
  47. interesting
  48. medallion
  49. Minnesota
  50. petroleum
  51. practice
  52. represent
  53. scale
  54. state
  55. succeed
  56. triangle
  57. until
  58. achieve
  59. apparel
  60. been
  61. climbed
  62. country
  63. dirty
  64. eighth
  65. flavor
  66. grown-ups
  67. intention
  68. linen
  69. millionth
  70. once
  71. possible
  72. radio
  73. saucer
  74. situation
  75. stunt
  76. tenant
  77. unknown
  78. whoever
  79. advocate
  80. apartment
  81. breakfast
  82. climb
  83. daughter
  84. direction
  85. errands
  86. finished
  87. harvest
  88. insult
  89. manageable
  90. million
  91. paint
  92. position
  93. referee
  94. sandal
  95. solve
  96. stringent
  97. thumb
  98. universe
  99. x-ray
  100. acoustics

Spelling Word Activities

Here are 14 fun activities for your students! They will love doing these different activities.

  1. Scrambled Words: Unscramble the spelling words!
  2. Definitions: Write as many definitions of the words as they know. This will help their vocabulary skills!
  3. Rainbow Letters: Use a different colored pencil or crayon to write each letter of the word.
  4. Spelling Word Pictures: Choose some words to draw pictures of. You get to choose how many pictures you’d like them to draw. Your students can draw the pictures at their own pace. Encourage them to use their imagination!
  5. Invisible Words: Write the spelling words on a piece of paper with a white crayon. Then use markers to color over the spelling words. The spelling words will appear out of nowhere! Your students will love it.
  6. Dice Spelling Words: List six of these activities on a piece of paper. Then have students roll the dice for each word and do what they rolled. For example, if they roll a three and three is rainbow letters, they get to write that word with rainbow letters.
  7. Fun Letters: Have the students write their spelling words with tall letters, tiny letters, zigzag letters, swirly letters, and any other fun letters they can think of!
  8. Crossword Puzzles: Have your students make up their own crossword puzzle for the spelling words. They’ll love it!
  9. Word Search Puzzles: Let your students make their own word search puzzle. You can even have the students solve each other puzzles!
  10. Online Spelling Games: There are a whole bunch of spelling games online your kids can do to practice too!
  11. Colored Words: Write the spelling words using different colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
  12. Spelling Word Pictures: Draw a picture, like a house or anything they’d like, using the spelling words. So instead of using lines to draw the object, they’ll write the spelling words.
  13. Alphabetical Order: Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order. Make sure they are in the correct order.
  14. Sentences: Write each spelling word in a sentence. Bonus points if there’s more than one word in a sentence.


What should 4th graders be able to spell?

A fourth grader should be able to spell the words bought, couch, earth, fisherman, fruit, guard, hurry, lifeguard, main, offer, path, question, rough, vein, wife, angriest, beaten, breath, comb, dairy, district, elephant, glance, horrid, knight, moment, pointing, remember, spend, bridge, cities, couldn’t, disappear, eighteen, enough, freight, judge, charge, county, difficult, festive, forkful, and handsome as well as a few others.

What are week 20 spelling words 4th grade?

20 spelling words for 4th grade are impossible, mossy, oxen, rapid, safe, snowflake, sunlight, village, world, alphabet, aunt, bubble, certain, crowd, determined, except, forever, homesick, invite, motor, and oval.

What are week 15 spelling words 4th grade?

15 spelling words for 4th grade are health, mailbox, odd, planet, railroad, sign, studied, thunderstorm, useless, angry, believe, built, copy, cotton, damage, and drawer.

What are 10 simple spelling words?

Main, offer, path, wife, beaten, odd, angry, felt, grade, and zebra are 10 simple spelling words.

A big group of young elementary students are looking at and waving their hands.  They're wearing uniforms.

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Final Thoughts

I hope this master spelling list helps you write lesson plans for your 4th grade students. Did you use this word list for a spelling test or a spelling bee? Let me know what you think in the comments.

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