615 Funny Pig Names Puns For You And Your Pet!

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Looking for the perfect name for you pig? Here are the best, funny pig names you can name your furry friend.

Finding the perfect name for your new pet pig, or any animal for that matter, is super important! You want it match your pig’s personality.

I’ve come up with a list to help you find a funny name, cute name, best name, baby name, famous name, popular name, male name, female name, or food name.

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I’ve even added a bunch of corny jokes that will make you laugh. I’m sure you’ll find the greatest pig names here!

Two muddy piglets standing up leaning on a wood fence.

Funny Pig Names

  1. Abra-ham Lincoln
  2. Baconator
  3. Good Chop
  4. Albert Sweinstein
  5. Chewbacon
  6. Amy Swinehouse
  7. Banjo
  8. Gorger
  9. Arnold Przenegger
  10. Hambo
  11. Ava Gaboar
  12. Banana
  13. Calvin Swine
  14. Barak Oboarma
  15. Elvis Pigsley
  16. Beatrix Trotter
  17. Han Solo
  18. BLT
  19. Frank Swineatra
  20. Boaris Johnson
  21. Pork N Beans
  22. Bubble
  23. Jimi Hamdrix
  24. Hambone
  25. Sam the Ham
  26. Autumn
  27. Plopper
  28. Jennifer Lopig
  29. Calvin Swine
  30. Peter Porker
  31. Cedric Piggery
  32. Big Boy
  33. Lindsay Loham
  34. Piggly Wiggly
  35. Chewbacon
  36. Snortin’ Norton
  37. Hippo
  38. Periwinkle
  39. Chops
  40. Lil’ Ham
  41. Big Belly Nelly
  42. Smurf
  43. Chubbs
  44. Kevin Bacon
  45. Pickle
  46. Colonel Bacon
  47. Hogzilla
  48. Lollipop
  49. Piggy Azalea
  50. Hogwarts
  51. Count Prokulaa
  52. Pinky
  53. Duke of Pork
  54. Piggie Smalls
  55. Elvis Pigsley
  56. Sir Francis Bacon
  57. Lou Lou
  58. Frank Swineatra
  59. Biscuit
  60. Frankenswine
  61. Good Chop
  62. Spampela Hamderson
  63. Pigachu
  64. Ham Solo
  65. McRib
  66. Duchess of Pork
  67. Hamlet
  68. Stinker
  69. Pigasus
  70. Oinksalot
  71. Harry Trotter
  72. Tommy Hilpigger
  73. Duke of Pork
  74. Boss Hog
  75. Hogzilla
  76. Jennifer Lopig
  77. Pig Newton
  78. Domino
  79. Jimmy Dean
  80. Pansy
  81. Jimi Hamdrix
  82. William Shakespig
  83. Oinkers
  84. Chris P. Bacon
  85. Pink Wiggles
  86. Jimmy Dean
  87. Kevin Bacon
  88. Buzz
  89. Pansey
  90. Lindsay Loham
  91. Miss Piggy
  92. Patsy Swine
  93. Snickerdoodle Spuiggle
  94. Pied Piper of Hamlin
  95. Pig Mac
  96. Colonel Bacon
  97. Pigasso
  98. Sumo
  99. Piggly Wiggly
  100. Winnie
  101. Piggy Azalea
  102. Vegan’s Nightmare
  103. Pigsie Lott
  104. Porkahontas
  105. Wee-wee
  106. Corky
  107. Porkchop
  108. Nugget
  109. Yoinks
  110. Porkeypine
  111. Shrimp
  112. Priyanka Pork-Chopra
  113. Yoda
  114. Proscuitto
  115. Sir Francis Bacon
  116. Tattoo
  117. Slim
  118. Snoop Hoggie Hog
  119. Dr. Porkchop
  120. Spamderson Cooper
  121. Porky Pig
  122. Spider Pig
  123. Tommy Hilpigger
A piglet is standing in a grass field with dandelions.

Cute Pig Names

  1. Acorn
  2. Beatrix Trotter
  3. Licorice
  4. Ellen
  5. Adele
  6. Chops
  7. Pig Mac
  8. Alvin
  9. Kiki
  10. Muffin
  11. Cedric Piggery
  12. Jiggles
  13. Amora
  14. Chubbs
  15. Jolly
  16. Angelique
  17. Muddy
  18. Beanie
  19. Aphrodite
  20. Nutmeg
  21. Pigsie Lott
  22. Chopper
  23. Apricot
  24. Nooch
  25. Cinnabun
  26. Arlo
  27. Oink
  28. Barley
  29. Chocolate
  30. Bertie
  31. Jelly
  32. Ollie
  33. Elvis Pigsley
  34. Creampuff
  35. Buddy
  36. Jerky
  37. Caylen
  38. Snoop Hoggie Hog
  39. Opie
  40. Ace
  41. Hope
  42. Celestia
  43. Peanut
  44. Celine
  45. Hammie
  46. Cinnamon
  47. Basil
  48. Precious
  49. Ham Solo
  50. Clover
  51. Alwin
  52. Crispy
  53. Princess
  54. Georgie-Porgie
  55. Cupcake
  56. Pigasso
  57. Fudge
  58. Daisy
  59. Chip
  60. Spider Pig
  61. Pua
  62. Fiona
  63. Crystal
  64. Delilah
  65. Apple
  66. Finnie
  67. Della
  68. Puddles
  69. Alvin
  70. Chicky
  71. Fig
  72. Devon
  73. Scrapple
  74. Arlo
  75. Cupcake
  76. Bea
  77. Dexter
  78. Donald Rumproast
  79. Angel
  80. Sizzle
  81. Penelope
  82. Diana
  83. Babe
  84. Harry Plopper
  85. Celine
  86. Snuffles
  87. Dashing
  88. Bella
  89. Hammelton
  90. Dolly
  91. Pigtails
  92. Ellen
  93. Clover
  94. Shane Dawson
  95. Farrah
  96. Candy
  97. Fawn
  98. Chelsea
  99. Faye
  100. Ginger
  101. Pancetta
  102. Daisy
  103. Hammie
  104. Pudsey
  105. Caylen
  106. Gizmo
  107. Mitzi
  108. Boa
  109. Toodles
  110. Gwyneth
  111. Hazel
  112. Dottie
  113. Pigmaleon
  114. Alyssa
  115. Hank
  116. Phoebe
  117. Buddy
  118. Tootsie
  119. Hermione
  120. Bell
  121. Hamilton
  122. Barbie Q
  123. Hope
  124. Rosita
  125. Mimzy
  126. Joey
  127. Benny
  128. Truffle
  129. Piper
  130. Dolly
  131. Clarence
  132. April
  133. Bubba
  134. Poppy
  135. June
  136. Pompeii
  137. Lottie
  138. Mabel
  139. Darlee
  140. Brandy
  141. Mickey
  142. Ophelia
  143. Dudley
  144. Peace
  145. Bubbles
  146. Piglet
  147. Beans
  148. Christy
  149. Ebony
  150. Popcorn
  151. Brownie
  152. Claudia
  153. Rex
  154. Scout
  155. Butterscotch
  156. Evie
  157. Sonny
  158. Dee
  159. Bunny
  160. Popcorn
  161. Stella
  162. Fawn
  163. Theo
  164. Blueberry
  165. Curly
  166. Felix
  167. Zahra

Best Pig Names

  1. Belinda
  2. Crackle
  3. Darlee
  4. Percy
  5. Fancy
  6. Geraldine
  7. Honey
  8. Lulu
  9. Maggie
  10. Bess
  11. Gertrude
  12. Biscuit
  13. Cleo
  14. Party
  15. Glenda
  16. Buzz
  17. Christy
  18. Gretel
  19. Hank
  20. Patsy
  21. Pearl
  22. April
  23. Bell
  24. Polly
  25. Abraham
  26. Paxton
  27. Missy
  28. Paisley
  29. Ace
  30. Peanut
  31. Henrietta
  32. Martha
  33. Pansy
  34. Admiral
  35. Pebbles
  36. Alyssa
  37. Buttons
  38. Charlotte
  39. Pippin
  40. Betty Loud
  41. Pigsley
  42. Agnes
  43. Pumpkin
  44. Sunshine
  45. Butterscotch
  46. Claudia
  47. Podge
  48. Annabel
  49. Petunia
  50. Brandy
  51. Dove
  52. Ester
  53. Buttercup
  54. Chubs
  55. Pudsey
  56. Bertha
  57. Mitzi
  58. William
  59. Pompeii
  60. Aldroa
  61. Curly
  62. Dave
  63. Iggy
  64. Mabel
  65. Dee
  66. Precious
  67. Fudge
  68. Gorger
  69. Pepper
  70. Magnum
  71. Dixie
  72. Maple
  73. Waddle
  74. Porker
  75. May
  76. Darla
  77. Morton
  78. Olivia
  79. Patricia
  80. Gizmo
  81. Pricilla
  82. Snuffles
  83. Trotter
  84. Penny
  85. Winnie
  86. Pinkie
  87. Quincy
  88. Popcorn
  89. Apollo
  90. Truffle
  91. Princess
  92. Rumple
  93. Tucker
  94. Poppy
  95. Twinkle
  96. Posie
  97. Honey
  98. Pumba
  99. Sybil
  100. Vernon
  101. Wally
  102. Ronald
  103. Stinky
  104. Woody
  105. Zoey

Baby Pig Names

  1. Apple
  2. Stella Lou
  3. Tallulah
  4. Bambi
  5. Ludo
  6. Macie
  7. Barney
  8. Estella
  9. Fig
  10. Luna
  11. Mila
  12. Pear
  13. Minnie
  14. Bessie
  15. Chilli
  16. Moxie
  17. Nora Mae
  18. Oink
  19. Pippy
  20. Atticus
  21. Babushka
  22. Pretty
  23. Sprinkles
  24. Bruno
  25. Cassy
  26. Tris
  27. Violet
  28. Bean
  29. Angel
  30. Wilma Lou
  31. Mabel
  32. Figi
  33. Bee-Bee
  34. Coco
  35. Foxie
  36. Ruthie
  37. Skye
  38. Fred
  39. Ginny
  40. Hansel
  41. Lina
  42. Beanie
  43. Lola
  44. Binky
  45. Chickie
  46. Pickle
  47. Lou-Lou
  48. George
  49. Marshmallow
  50. Pikachu
  51. Matilda
Six black and white pigs are grazing in a field.

Famous Pig Names

  1. Big
  2. Cicero
  3. Boaris Johnson
  4. Daggie Dogfoot
  5. Gub Gub
  6. Dobson
  7. Fluffy
  8. Gouger
  9. Peppa Pig
  10. Barney
  11. Gryllus
  12. Arnold Ziffel
  13. Guyute
  14. Hamhock
  15. Hamm
  16. Gordy the Pig
  17. Henry
  18. Ehn-Wen
  19. Hercules
  20. Gub-Gub
  21. Huxley
  22. Jodie
  23. Leonard
  24. Noelle
  25. Lester
  26. Pequeninos
  27. Little Pig Robinson
  28. Napoleon
  29. Old Major
  30. Peppa Pig
  31. Agnes
  32. Piggies
  33. Squealer
  34. Tattoo
  35. Annie-Sue
  36. Porkahontas
  37. Archille
  38. Babe
  39. Puddle
  40. Rooter
  41. Oggy
  42. Bebop
  43. Adele
  44. Percy Porker
  45. Snowball
  46. Plantagenet
  47. Toby
  48. Monokuru Boo
  49. Peter Porker
  50. Pua
  51. Rasher
  52. Professor Strangeport
  53. Snouter
  54. Pigoom
  55. Tusker
  56. Wagner
  57. Plopper
  58. Toot
  59. Poppleton
  60. Toots
  61. Wilbur

Male Pig Names

  1. Grunt/Grunty
  2. Hamm
  3. Mr. Pig
  4. Napoleon
  5. Pumbaa
  6. Rupert
  7. Snorty
  8. Piglet
  9. Hamlet
  10. Jack
  11. Lulu
  12. Mack
  13. Orville
  14. Porkeypine
  15. Harry
  16. Spud
  17. Theo
  18. Pippen
  19. Tammy
  20. Popeye
  21. Teddy
  22. Porky
  23. Oscar
  24. Toby
  25. Winnie
  26. Pepper
  27. Sprinkles
  28. Tucker
  29. Walter
  30. Stinky
  31. Thor
  32. Whizzer
  33. Brad
  34. Charlie
  35. Fred
  36. George
  37. Diesel
  38. Harvey
  39. Fluffy
  40. Louie
  41. Hamilton
  42. Nolan
  43. Oliver
  44. Pokie
  45. Gizmo
  46. Digger
  47. Flash

Female Pig Names

  1. Bertha
  2. Sweetie Pie
  3. Violet
  4. Ziggy
  5. Betsy
  6. Paris
  7. Celestia
  8. Delilah
  9. Ginny
  10. Miss Piggy
  11. Petunia Pig
  12. Greta
  13. Polka
  14. Queenie
  15. Honey
  16. Pixie
  17. June
  18. Miss Peggy
  19. Lola
  20. Pearl
  21. Maggie
  22. Gwyneth
  23. Hazel
  24. Meadow
  25. Party
  26. Felicia
  27. Ginger
  28. Patsy Swine
  29. Peace
  30. Strawberry
  31. Petunia
  32. Rosie
  33. Squishy
  34. Polly
  35. Star
  36. Winston
  37. Penny
  38. Sushi
  39. Zoey
A closeup of a black and white pig looking at the camera.

Food Pig Names

  1. Pepperoni
  2. Chis P. Bacon
  3. Ham
  4. Sausage
  5. Pork
  6. Truffles
  7. Pork Roll
  8. Fry
  9. Muffin
  10. Fudge
  11. Pepper
  12. Butterscotch
  13. Enchilada
  14. Taylor Ham
  15. Latke
  16. Meatball
  17. Oreo
  18. Short Rib
  19. Taco
  20. Slider
  21. Peanut
  22. BLT
  23. Burger
  24. Frankfurter
  25. Carnitas
  26. Pork Chop
  27. Gammon
  28. Pancetta
  29. Buttercup
  30. Pig Newton

Pig Jokes

Here are funny jokes pig owners will love!

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  1. I read a story about pig anatomy. It was all straightforward until I found a twist in the tale.
  2. When pigs live high on the hog, they run the risk of going into hock.
  3. What do you call a pig who does karate? A pork chop.
  4. What happened to the domestic pig who ate too fast? It got a ticket for running a Slop Sign.
  5. What’s the first line of the pig bible? “In the bacon-ing…”
  6. What did the pig do when it came to a pork in the road? It pigged the road less traveled.
  7. What’s a pig’s favorite holiday? Ar-boar Day.
  8. What do mother pigs say to a procrastinating pig? Listen, bud, it’s snout or never.
  9. What do you call a pig that drives around recklessly? A road hog.
  10. Why do piglets take home economics in school? To learn how to sow.
  11. Why don’t pigs eat cake? Because thy’er morally opposed to bacon.
  12. How do pigs write top-secret messages? With invisible oink!
  13. A local farmer has trained his pigs to perform ballet. I’m going to see their production of swine lake.
  14. What did the pig say on the warm summer’s day? “I’m bacon.”
  15. What happened when the pig pen broke? They had to use the pig pencil.
  16. Why was the pig given a red card at the football game? For playing dirty.
  17. What do you get when you cross a pig and superman? The Man of Squeal.
  18. Did you hear about the pig that ran the Post Office? He was the first Porkmaster General.
  19. What do you get when you pick a pig’s nose? Ham boogers.
  20. How is a pig’s tail like 4 o’clock in the morning? It’s twirly.
  21. What do you call a pig with skin problems? A wart-hog.
  22. Where do pigs keep their money? In the piggy bank, of course.
  23. What’s a pit’s favorite book? Charlotte’s Web.
  24. What’s the difference between hot potato and a flying pig? One’s a heated yam, and the other is a heated ham.
  25. What do pig’s use as soap? Hogwash.
  26. What does an obstinate piglet always say to his mama? Sow what?
  27. What do you call a pig that does a lot of charity work? Philanthropig.
  28. What do you call a pig that plays basketball? A ball ho.
  29. What happens when you play tug-of-war with a pug? Pulled pork.
  30. A pig just won the lottery. What do you call him? Filthy rich.
  31. What did the little piglet want from the swine? A piggyback ride home.
  32. What do you call a Spanish pig? Porque.
  33. Why shouldn’t you tell a secret to a small pig? It might squeal.
  34. What do you call an imaginary pig? A pig-meat of your imagination.
  35. What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig? Jurassic Pork.
  36. What do you call a breed of pig with no legs? A groundhog.
  37. A sweet name to call a pig of a ‘Harry Potter’ lover is Hogsmeade.
  38. I entered my pig into a pig race but he pulled a ham string.
  39. What do 99 percent of pigs ask for on their hamburgers? Piggles.
  40. How can you tell you’re in a pig wine bar? Because everything’s swine.
  41. Why was the pig crying? Because he was boar-ed to tears.
  42. Why are pigs awful basketball players? They hog the ball.
  43. What do you get when you cross a pig and a cactus? A porky-pine.
  44. Why did the pig break up with her boyfriend? Because he was a boar.
  45. What do you call it when a beautiful woman tries to trick you into giving her a pig? A bae con.
  46. When pigs become good friends, they become pen pals.
  47. When the pig had a quarrel with his wife, he ended up having a gilt trip.
  48. The new house my pig friend made is quite stylish.
  49. What do you call it when a pig loses its memory? Amnesia.
  50. If pigs learned to fly, would the price of bacon skyrocket?
  51. What’s a pig’s favorite color? Mahogany.
  52. What do you call a glass of alcoholic pig’s blood? Swine.
  53. According to pig etiquette, piglets are meant to be porcine and not heard.
  54. What does a mommy pig say to her piglets at the end of the day? Time to pig up your toys.
  55. When pigs work together, it’s known as collaboaration.
  56. hen a pig takes out a loan, he becomes a boar-owner.
  57. Why did the famous pigs get fired? Insuboardination.
  58. What do the lady pigs say when someone leaves the toilet set up? “Hoof-orgot to put the seat down?”
  59. Why are baby pigs pink when they could be any pigment? Sow many reasons.
  60. Why was the pig sick? Because it had the swine flu.
  61. What’s the number one complaint pig spouses have about one another? Too stubboarn.
  62. I saw a pig with laryngitis. He was disgruntled.
  63. Why do pigs make awful football players? They don’t like playing with the “pig skin”.
  64. Why did the little boy pig yell at his sibling at the dinner table? She was hogging all the food.
  65. What kind of work do pigs do after school? Homework.
  66. What do you get when you cross a pig with a centipede? Bacon and legs.
  67. What’s it called when a bunch of pigs compete in athletic games? The Olympigs.
  68. What do you give a sick pig? Oinkment.
  69. What did Papa Pig shout at his kids in the car? Stop swining! We’re almost there!
  70. How does a young pig hit on someone? They invite them over to Netflix and swill.


What do you name a funny pig?

Here are some great names to name your funny pig! Abra-ham Lincoln, Baconator, Good Chop, Albert Sweinstein, Chewbacon, Amy Swinehouse, Banjo, Gorger, Arnold Przenegger, Hambo, Ava Gaboar, Banana, Calvin Swine, Barak Oboarma, Elvis Pigsley, Beatrix Trotter, Han Solo, BLT, Frank Swineatra, Boaris Johnson, Pork N Beans, or Good Chop.

What are nicknames for pigs?

Bambi, Barney, Bean, Beanie, Bee-Bee, Bessie, Binky, Bruno, Cassy, Chickie, Chilli, Coco, Estella, Fig, Figi, Foxie, Fred, George, Ginny, Hansel, or Lina.

What are some male pig names?

Here are some great male pig names! Grunt/Grunty, Hamm, Mr. Pig, Napoleon, Pumbaa, Rupert, Snorty, Piglet, Hamlet, Harry, Jack, Lulu, Mack, Orville, Porkeypine, Spud, Theo, Pippen, Tammy, Popeye, Teddy, Porky, Oscar, Toby, Winnie, Pepper, Sprinkles, Tucker, Walter, Stinky, Thor, Whizzer, Brad, Charlie, Fred, George, Diesel, Harvey, Fluffy, Louie, Hamilton, Nolan, Oliver, Pokie, Gizmo, Digger, or Flash.

A closeup of a piglet with its nose in the air.

Write Your Own Pun

Trying to write your own puns?

All you need to do is say a pig word like pig, hog, or snout over and over a few times. Listen and try to think of other words they sound like.

Now, you can write a pun like, “Hog’s it going?”

Have fun writing amazing pig puns!

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Final Thoughts On Pig Names Puns:

Whether you’re a pig lover, pig owner, I hope you like this list of names and jokes as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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